2022 China National Championships

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Feb 2, 2021
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Podium training happening, this instagram is posting full videos of some routines:


Also credit for the above posted schedule goes to that insta as well.
Qiu Qiyuan BB 6.5 + 8.45, 14.95

Qiu Qiyuan UB 6.4 + 8.2, 14.6

Qiu Qiyuan - Balance Beam


1 x E (layout to two feet)
2 x D (side somi, aerial)
1 x C (double twist dismount)

Total Acro DV - 1.6


1 x E (switch ring leap)
3 x D (switch leap 1/2, side split jump 1/2, split ring jump)

Total Dance DV - 1.7

CV / Series Bonus

switch leap + switch leap 1/2 + Korbut (C + C or more dance and B + D mixed) = 0.1 CV + 0.1 CV + 0.1 SB

round off + layout to two feet + straddle jump (B + E acro, B + D mixed) = 0.1 CV + 0.1 CV + 0.1 SB

aerial + split ring jump + back handspring stepout (D + D or more mixed, B + D mixed) = 0.2 CV + 0.1 CV + 0.1 SB

switch ring leap + back handspring stepout + split jump (D + B mixed) = 0.1 CV + 0.1 SB

Total CV / SB = 1.2

Dismount Bonus



Dance Series - switch leap + switch leap 1/2 or straddle jump + wolf jump
Turn - full turn
Acro Series with Salto - (round off + layout to two feet)
Acro Elements in Different Directions - Korbut, side somi

Total D - 3.3 + 1.2 + 0.0 + 2.0 = 6.5

Elements or Connections Not Credited



switch leap + switch leap 1/2
(poor rhythm of connection) 0.1

switch leap 1/2
(body shape → bent knee in leg swing + insufficient split, between 0 and 20 degrees) 0.3

(insufficient height) 0.1 ^

layout to two feet
(insufficient height) 0.1
(failure to maintain stretched position) 0.1
(deviation from ideal landing posture, chest low and forward) 0.1 ^

layout to two feet + straddle jump
(poor rhythm of connection) 0.1 ^

side somi
(inexactness of tuck position) 0.1

side split jump 1/2
(deviation from ideal landing posture, chest low and forward) 0.1 ^

(flexed foot) 0.1

aerial + split ring jump
(poor rhythm of connection) 0.1

split ring jump
(body shape → front leg below horizontal + insufficient split, between 0 and 20 degrees) 0.3

double twist
(crossed legs) 0.1

  • Insufficient involvement of body parts (0.1)
  • Insufficient variation in rhythm and tempo (0.1)
Total Deductions - (1.5 - 1.9 ), 8.0 - 8.5 / Actual 8.450

^ Denotes borderline / discretion available
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Qiu Qiyuan - Uneven Bars

(D Score only since the angle of the video makes it difficult to accurately evaluate the execution of the routine, particularly with regards to angle of completion of the pirouettes / turning elements)

1 x F (layout Jaeger)
4 x E (Komova II, van Leeuwen, ‘Lin’ pirouette, ‘Ling’ pirouette)
3 x D (piked stalder, Pak salto, full twisting double tuck dismount)

Total DV - 3.8


Komova II + Pak salto (D + D or more, both with turn or flight), 0.1 CV

‘Lin’ + ‘Ling’ + layout Jaeger (D + D or more, both with turn or flight, and E + E, one flight element), 0.1 CV + 0.2 CV

Total CV - 0.4

Dismount Bonus

full twisting double tuck (D) - 0.2


Flight from high bar to low bar - Pak salto
Flight element on same bar - layout Jaeger
Different Grips - piked stalder, ‘Lin’ pirouette
Non-flight with 360 degree turn - ‘Ling’ pirouette

Total D - 3.8 + 0.4 + 0.2 + 2.0 = 6.4
Beautiful bars and beam, beam choreography is boring and typical China arm waves and disjointed set. A pause before the major acro/dance connections each time.
Not necessarily the full two seconds to warrant a deduction but she definitely went 3 seconds before the side somi.

In addition to Concorde’s artistry deductions I personally would also take:
  • Performance of the entire exercise as a series of
    disconnected elements & movements (lack of fluency) (.1)
I just feel like the routine did not flow and there were clear momentary pauses, the routine didn’t feel smooth or flowing to me.

8.5 (execution) - (.3 art)= 8.200 E score from me.

Let’s see if she can keep this up when she turns senior, she has lovely execution.
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have they posted aa meet totals?
It’s interesting to me that the Chinese are still doing C dismounts on beam… I wonder if they will continue to do that at worlds… they lose at least .3 per gymnast
Zhou Yaqin - Balance Beam


1 x F (triple twist dismount)
4 x D (back handspring stepout mount, front tuck, side somi, aerial)

Total Acro DV - 2.2


1 x E (switch ring leap)
1 x D (split ring jump)
1 x C (side full twisting straight jump)

Total Dance DV - 1.2

CV / Series Bonus

front handspring + front tuck (B + D acro, both forward elements), 0.2 CV

side somi + side full twisting straight jump (B + D mixed), 0.1 CV

aerial + split ring jump + Korbut (D + D or more mixed, B + D mixed) = 0.2 CV + 0.1 CV + 0.1 SB

Total CV / SB = 0.7

Dismount Bonus

triple twist (F), 0.2


Dance Series - split jump + wolf jump
Turn - full turn
Acro Series with Salto - front handspring + front tuck
Acro Elements in Different Directions - front tuck, Korbut

Total D - 3.4 + 0.7 + 0.2 + 2.0 = 6.3

Elements or Connections Not Credited



back handspring stepout mount
(adjustment) 0.1

pause (before front handspring) 0.1

front handspring
(bent knees) 0.1

front tuck
(leg separation) 0.1
(small balance adjustment) 0.1

adjustment (before switch ring leap) 0.1 ^

switch ring leap
(body shape → foot at head height) 0.1

adjustment (before side some) 0.1 ^

side somi
(flexed feet) 0.1

side somi + full twisting straight jump
(poor rhythm of connection) 0.1

(bent knees) 0.1

aerial + split ring jump
(poor rhythm of connection) 0.1 ^

split ring jump
(body shape → insufficient split, between 0 and 20 degrees) 0.1

(insufficient height) 0.1 ^

pause (before round off ) 0.1

triple twist
(crossed legs) 0.1
(step on landing) 0.1

  • Insufficient involvement of body parts (0.1)
  • Insufficient variation in rhythm and tempo (0.1)
  • Performance of the exercise as a series of disconnected elements and movements (0.1)
Total Deductions - (1.6 - 2.0), 8.0 - 8.4 / Actual 8.500

^ Denotes borderline / discretion available
  • Regarding the adjustment deductions for the movements before the switch ring leap and side somi, I don’t find these movements to add true choreographical value to the routine. In other words, if they were removed the flow of the exercise would not be altered.
I suppose the question is… do they actually? I have been wondering whether some gymnasts will keep the simpler dismounts they can do easily and cleanly even with the new requirement.
Wei Xiaoyuan - Balance Beam


3 x D (back handspring stepout mount, aerial, side somi)
2 x C (layout stepout, double twist dismount)

Total Acro DV - 1.8


1 x E (switch ring leap)
2 x D (switch leap 1/2, split ring jump)

Total Dance DV - 1.3

CV / Series Bonus

back handspring stepout mount + split jump + straddle jump (B + D mixed) 0.1 CV + 0.1 SB

switch leap + switch leap 1/2 + Korbut (C + C or more dance and B + D mixed) = 0.1 CV + 0.1 CV + 0.1 SB

aerial + split ring jump + back handspring stepout (D + D or more mixed, B + D mixed) = 0.2 CV + 0.1 CV + 0.1 SB

Total CV / SB = 0.9

Dismount Bonus



Dance Series - split jump + straddle jump, or switch leap + switch leap 1/2
Turn - full turn
Acro Series with Salto - back handspring stepout + layout stepout
Acro Elements in Different Directions - Korbut, side somi

Total D - 3.1 + 0.9 + 0.0 + 2.0 = 6.0

Elements or Connections Not Credited

back handspring stepout mount + split jump + straddle jump
(Connection broken by the balance error on the back handspring stepout mount ->, No D + B mixed series CV awarded → No 3 element mixed series), -0.1 CV - 0.1 SB

aerial + split ring jump + back handspring stepout
(Connection broken by the pause following the aerial → No D + D mixed series CV awarded → No 3 element mixed series, Connection broken by the pause / balance check following the split ring jump) → -0.2 CV - 0.1 CV - 0.1 SB

Credited D - 3.1 + 0.9 - 0.2 - 0.4 + 0.0 + 2.0 = 5.4


back handspring stepout mount
(small balance error) 0.1

split jump
(body posture on landing, chest low and forward) 0.1 ^

switch ring leap
(body shape → back foot at head height + insufficient split, between 0 and 20 degrees / back thigh below horizontal) 0.3
(medium balance error) 0.3

switch leap + switch leap 1/2
(poor rhythm of connection) 0.1

switch leap 1/2
(body shape → insufficient split, between 20 and 45 degrees) 0.3

(insufficient height) 0.1

full turn
(small balance error) 0.1

(flexed feet) 0.1
(small balance error) 0.1

split ring jump
(body shape → insufficient split, between 0 and 20 degrees) 0.1
(small balance error) 0.1

side somi
(flexed feet) 0.1
(insufficient height) 0.1 ^
(body posture on landing, chest low and forward) 0.1

double twist
(crossed legs) 0.1
(large hop on landing, greater than shoulder width) 0.3

  • Insufficient involvement of body parts (0.1)
  • Insufficient variation in rhythm and tempo (0.1)
Total Deductions - (2.5 - 2.7), 7.3 - 7.5 / Actual 7.900

Neutral Deductions - 0.1 for over time

^ Denotes borderline / discretion available
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VT is not looking good for China.
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MaryClare, are you suggesting she was only 10 in Beijing? 😇
I wouldn’t bet against it.
Hehe. But there are loads of gymnasts competing into their late 20s now, it’s not even that unusual any more. She’s younger than Ferrari, the Wevers sisters, Becky Downie. I accept that this specific proposal is unlikely but I’d actually love to see Chinese WAGs getting the opportunity to compete internationally for longer as well. It is harder in more competitive programmes, no denying it, but then the US and Russia have both had top gymnasts go on into their mid 20s on a fairly frequent basis in recent years.

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