2021 World WAG AA Finals (10/21/21)

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Not her quals routine, but enough to keep Melnikova I’d assume
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Yeah. Tactically I think she’s been playing this quite well actually. With that big a lead, the main thing is to stay on your feet and you can be a little bit conservative. So she didn’t try and connect everything on bars when it wasn’t going quite right, didn’t go for a stuck beam dismount because a couple of tenths off is fine etc.
All I could hear in Weis floor music was “Maaaary had a little lamb”. And I’m sorry but a double tuck as a second line and finishing with a double full is just… Painful.
Urazova off. Slams the door wide open again for DiCello
And that’s Urazova off…

The two Americans both looked pretty confident warming up, from what we saw. I am thinking we may see the top 3 set themselves apart somewhat after the end of this rotation.
Gutting 😭

It would be quite funny if she loses 0.5 for a missing leap series rather than acro series this time. Very Russia.
For all that she managed an acro series today, I think that’s still going to be pretty low because she didn’t seem to connect the leap series and I think the triple wolf was short as well.
Did not love that camera trick? Wobble? That made me dizzy
5.1 D means Urazova didn’t get the leap series. Sigh Russia.
Yeah, that was an incredibly tentative routine. I mean, as an approach it seems to be working well this rotation… but she really was screaming I AM TERRIFIED OF FALLING OFF with every move.

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