Yeah. Tactically I think she’s been playing this quite well actually. With that big a lead, the main thing is to stay on your feet and you can be a little bit conservative. So she didn’t try and connect everything on bars when it wasn’t going quite right, didn’t go for a stuck beam dismount because a couple of tenths off is fine etc.
All I could hear in Weis floor music was “Maaaary had a little lamb”. And I’m sorry but a double tuck as a second line and finishing with a double full is just… Painful.
The two Americans both looked pretty confident warming up, from what we saw. I am thinking we may see the top 3 set themselves apart somewhat after the end of this rotation.
For all that she managed an acro series today, I think that’s still going to be pretty low because she didn’t seem to connect the leap series and I think the triple wolf was short as well.
Yeah, that was an incredibly tentative routine. I mean, as an approach it seems to be working well this rotation… but she really was screaming I AM TERRIFIED OF FALLING OFF with every move.