US National Championships, June 3-6, 2021

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Whatever’s going on, I hope it gets better. And I’m glad they’re taking the time out if that’s what she needs. Her physical and mental health need to take priority over anyone’s ambitions, and hopefully that’s what’s happening here.

I can’t say I’m not curious about what’s going on, but the main interview I want to hear from her in the future is about how when something was wrong, the people in her life supported her and helped her get to a better place.
She looked absolutely broken at Classics. Mentally. Almost in tears. It was painful to watch.

Hopefully she can have a bit of a time out, take the pressure off, and come back strong for worlds.

I can only imagine that a LOT of the gymnasts will be so exhausted after the Trials process that a lot won’t even want to go for worlds. This might be a really smart move for her.
What happens if a team with no plus 1 (that exists right? I’m trying and failing to keep track) needs an alternate? Can they bring one in after July 6 or whatever or are you SOL and competing with 3?
No alternates allowed in Tokyo.

The Olympics in general do not allow alternates. All alternates must be located outside of the Olympic village and have to be flown in if someone goes down before the deadline.

In 2008, the alternates were staying and training in Japan IIRC.
It is hugely poor planning on FIG part. But the whole qualification process has been completely complicated and it too the pandemic to demonstrate how silly it was.

The fact that Africa received two continental slots through championships when they already qualified 2 athletes through Worlds is also a flaw in the process. Not saying Africa doesn’t deserve 2 slots, but the # of athletes that competed for the two spots by ratio was unacceptable compared to the number of athletes in Europe that were competing for the same number of spots.

At least prelims is still 3 count only, so if an athlete goes down they can still compete, just can’t drop any score. It is also why the 4 member team was emphasis on all arounders.

So glad it is going back to 5 members in Paris.
Huge accomplishment, and she should be proud.

She should probably just do it once somewhere to get it named after her and then dump it for a tuck, if anything. This looks like a liability for ankles and the E-panel, and she has plenty of other D-panel firepower available at her disposal.

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