Suni is trying to make the Olympic team. If Tom had come out and said he was taking specialists only for the +1, she would still be attempting AA because she wants to be on the actual team. It’s a guaranteed Olympic gold medal.
He can’t come out and say oh Suni you just do two events and I’ll put you on the team over someone else who could contribute more events to a team score, they can just sit in the +1 spot instead of you. If she goes just UB/BB then she isn’t being put on the team. It wouldn’t be fair to jump through hoops protecting her foot to get her a team medal just for her bars, when she still has a chance at UB finals as the +1. The team doesn’t need her UB, it needs four healthy athletes.
Not only would if be unfair to the person put in the +1 spot in her place, it would put extra pressure on her competing teammates. I’m sure Marta would tell her to specialize, and I’m sure Marta would turn around and decide to leave her sitting at home specifically for not doing AA, because Marta literally did that more than once. The Karolyis never liked taking injured people anywhere.
It’s would be ridiculous for Team USA to take an injured specialist on a four person team, when the extra +1 is sitting right there. I don’t care that three years ago Tom said once that he would focus on AA for the +1. If we’re keeping him chained to that statement then he’s certainly not putting someone who hasn’t shown an AA set in two years directly onto the team before considering them for the +1 spot.