Team USA Leotard Reveal: Get Your Eye Bleach Ready!

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The names of the leos...

Flag: Go for the Glory
Blue with plunging neck: Luminous Legacy
Grey with star bodice: Star Spangled Shine
White: Freedom's Grace
Blue ombre: American Anthem
Red/Blue ombre: USA Elegance
Red: Patriotic Poise
Fireworks: Sovereign Sparkle
Sovereign sparkle??? What does that even mean?

Sovereign is a word often used for a King or Queen so …. ?
The first leo that Simone is wearing should be the Team leo.

By the way, I like leos of solid colors with rhinestones.

José M.
I actually like the high neck one on Suni. I think the white one on Hezly is gorgeous. The one on Simone is nice, even though I usually don't care for deep v's. I like the blue ombre one, too.

I like the idea of the flag leo, but it looks too busy.
I like some of them, but they're all (minus the one Hezly is modelling) just SO busy.
I like the flag one from a distance, up close the red blocks are a bit weird. It's like a bedazzled update of an Athens leotard. I like the firework one.

The blue and white could be stunning but the swirls ruin it IMHO. Not a fan of that lines and swirls combination, just losing the torso swirls would be big improvement Wong’s hair is hiding quite a lot of hers in the group pic. Negative stars are interesting, but I’m always going to dislike the current straight belt/horizontal trend (repeat for the long chest V trend).

Which photo editor hates Rivera to choose that facial expression? (white leo)
Oh heavens. Some of these are okay but when it starts with "Hi, I have five ideas and couldn't choose," and moves on to "the first wardrobe malfunction was on the design table, and these shadow stars look oddly like leopard print...." These are so incredibly gaudy and frankly half look super uncomfortable. My husband asked where they were supposed to scan the barcode on the first one, and I replied that I don't know, but suddenly I think I have an odd craving for candy canes.

The white and the blue ombre aren't bad, I don't hate the one Leanne is wearing either, but even those have one too many things going on each.
I think the worst part is that the gymnasts actually want their leos to look like this. They don't seem to understand that the more sparkle and crystals, the tackier they look. And then it sounds like it trickles down to other countries from the U.S. Yikes.
I'm also seeing a flaw in the design- their sketches are on templates that don't necessarily match the body lines of your average team member. The waist is way more cinched in on the template drawings than a lot of these gymnast bodies where core and upper body strength can create a straighter body shape.
I'm reading the NYT article, and Jeanne Diaz just doesn't get it, I've decided. And the obsession with sparkles is just insane. Not all talk is good talk. 10,000 crystals?!?!? WTF?!? Or is it just that I am getting old?
Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like they are going to go back to simpler designs anytime soon. The women all want more and more crystals.
Another photo with good practice leo. Other than the script I like this on Facebook.
I think the worst part is that the gymnasts actually want their leos to look like this. They don't seem to understand that the more sparkle and crystals, the tackier they look. And then it sounds like it trickles down to other countries from the U.S. Yikes.
This is exactly right. If the gymnasts themselves wanted a simpler, more athletic look, you'd see them wearing those leos at Classics and Nationals. Especially those gymnasts who have deals with GK and get their leos custom made. But they all want lots of bling, lots of cuts, lots of different fabrics. If Simone Biles wanted a basic leo, GK would absolutely make it for her.

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