H. The Nabs should’ve been an F if they had followed the pattern set with the Ray (D) and Church (E) vs. Hindorff (E) and Shang (F), but it’s at a G. I don’t see them giving the free-hip and the 1/2 a .10 bump each in this case.
I wish they’d do some sort of study to compare the difficulty of reverse hechts when performed from a swing vs. a toe-on / stalder / free-hip once and for all. Either all close-bar circles increase difficulty by .10 (like for pirouettes), or they don’t. But the mix-and-match approach is BS.
I hate that Eythora couldn’t upgrade after Rio like we thought, and/or that Lieke or Sanne couldn’t find a useable VT for TFs. An Amanar (Eythora), Tsuk 1.5 (Sanne), and FTT (Lieke), for example, would at least keep them in the conversation for team contention. But, struggling to get 2 DTYs on a team makes them consistently in the 7th - 12th tier.