Russia-Ukraine War: Effects on Gymn World

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‘I mean, Dalaloyan’s hometown is also occupied by Russian troops and he criticised Kuliak’s actions on national television…’

Did he really criticize Kuliak? Can you please share a source? A Russian athlete or celebrity speaking against ‘Z’ would be a pretty big deal yet I can’t find anything about Dalaloyan doing so. Maybe you got it mixed with the Averinas incident?

And as for his hometown being occupied by Russian troops… He is Russian, not sure if he has dual (Moldovan) citizenship, but he indeed represents Russia, not Moldova.
mean, Dalaloyan’s hometown is also occupied by Russian troops and he criticised Kuliak’s actions on national television…
Whatever his birth connection to Moldova, he lived almost his entire life in Russia and is both perceived and identifies as Russian. So this is truly irrelevant.
He’s Russian! He competes for Russia!

These false equivalences, over and over again, and always taking the same contrarian stance to every pro-Ukrainian sentiment. Just get tiring.
If Russian Gymnastics Federation does allow him to compete, I wonder what sanctions FIG will place on RGF as no FIG sponsored or sanctioned event is allowed to let him compete. RGF is an affiliation through FIG membership, so FIG can tell RGF that he cannot compete or face consequences.
National championships are not FIG sanctioned events. His ban is with FIG, they have no jurisdiction over this competition. The RGF is not obliged to enforce FIG sanctions. Any further sanctions on RGF from FIG will be on the basis of actions in Ukraine, not to do with any individual athlete.

Sports governing bodies function as the regulator of their sports international competitions, not as regulator of its member countries federations. Otherwise we’d have seen/called for FIG sanctions regarding all sorts of malpractice, incompetence, negligence, abuse etc that is/was endemic in several federations.
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His ban is with FIG, they have no jurisdiction over this competition. The RGF is not obliged to enforce FIG sanctions. Any further sanctions on RGF from FIG will be on the basis of actions in Ukraine, not to do with any individual athlete.
That is not accurate, his ban is for FIG events or compete at any FIG member event, RGF is a FIG member.
Per the terms of his suspension, he is “not allowed to participate in any FIG-sanctioned event or competition organized by an affiliated FIG member federation for one year”.
So if RGF allows him to compete it goes against the ban put into place by the FIG.

This is different than say Bundesliga which is non FIG sanctioned and non FIG member as it is a professional gymnastics league.
The head of the ethics foundations is on record saying it applies to domestic competitions similarly to how a doping ban would. But the FIG isn’t good at communication. So this condition may have never been announced until Gymnovosti asked about it.
I think it was pretty clear in their ban stipulations that he is supposed to be banned for a full year for FIG and Russian competitions. Only way he wouldn’t be is as competing for a private league or sponsorship.
The mobilization news is quite bad. And I hope Putin’s supporters wake up to the reality of the situation.

But the situation is inspiring snarky gymnastics comments in Russia. And someone translated recent ones. I think we’d all appreciate that.

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Sorry if I misrepresented Russians. I edited the comment to be more accurate.
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