Russia-Ukraine War: Effects on Gymn World

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What does that mean – “inadvertently admitted”? Look, I assume they did know. I just did not think they had acknowledged they knew
It was confirmed that a conversation had taken place prior to Russia invading. China knew Putin’s plans and said nothing
OK. I do not doubt it for one minute, just wondering what this “confirmation” was and where it was reported. Because I did not see anything.
I normally don’t share stuff on Alina Kabeava’s alleged relations to Vladimir Putin for… reasons. But the Wall Street Journal published an interesting article on her and how she’s remained unsanctioned. They do their research and I for the most part trust the claims made by anonymous sources.

I think it is well known that Putin has most of his money parked with her but the U.S. fears that sanctioning Kabeava could trigger Putin to take stronger measures because he would perceive it as too personal an attack. She has been retired from Rhythmic Gymnastics for like 15 years and I could be wrong but I think her appearing at that Alina Festival (in front of a Billboard covered with Zs) is not something she has done in years either.
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Do we know she has a Swiss passport? Ithink her children do.
Even if it’s only the children who are Swiss nationals, it gives her certain rights in Switzerland. But I’m 99% sure she is dual national
a) even a Swiss citizen can be sanctioned
b) her Swiss citizenship can (and should) be revoked
" A dual national can have their Swiss citizenship revoked if their conduct is seriously detrimental to Switzerland’s interests or reputation. Revocation of Swiss citizenship is only conceivable in serious cases, however, e.g. in the case of people convicted of war crimes or terrorism."
Even if it’s only the children who are Swiss nationals, it gives her certain rights in Switzerland. But I’m 99% sure she is dual national
OK. May well be. But I am not sure what bearing that has on whether or not or to what degree we sanction her. It really should not have any. Except to the extent her money is parked in Swiss banks it makes things difficult. Thats why those Russian Oligarchs just love Switzerland.
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Of course she can. Switzerland can do whatever it likes to it’s citizens. But it’s unlikely to happen, countries just don’t go around sanctioning Swiss citizens. It could only really happen with their permission.

I’m not sure what your point is. She’s the mother of Putin’s children, what do you think countries are waiting for if they wanted to/could sanction he? They either can’t or don’t want to
It could only really happen with their permission.
Can you please share the source where is this stated/hinted? I can’t find anything.

I admit I don’t know how sanctioning/seizing property works.

I assume as long as all Kabaeva’s property is on Swiss territory, then only Switzerland can sanction her. However, if she owns something on, say, US territory, I am not sure if being Swiss citizen protects her from her property being seized in/by the USA.

And, just because she wasn’t sanctioned so far doesn’t mean she never will be.

And honestly, I don’t understand your point either.
Are you suggesting that Kabaeva is just an innocent victim and should not be sanctioned?
I’m not saying whether Kabaeva should be sanctioned or not, I’m saying there’s a reason she hasn’t been, whilst others close to Putin have. The most likely explanation is that she holds dual nationality and other countries want to avoid the diplomatic fall out of sanctioning a Swiss citizen. But not one country has done so.
I really do not think thats it. The Swiss have sanctioned many Russians at this point over this. I doubt they give 2 hoots whether or not Kabaeva has a Swiss passport. The issue is that she is just WAY too close to Putin, She is the mother of his children, and seizing her assets or otherwise sanctioning her would provoke him in a way and on a level that no one is willing to risk.
Surely if she’s a Swiss national (as well as a Russian national) there would be different laws or a different process involved?
I do not think so. Probably many of these Russian oligarcs whose property has been seized in Switzerland (there are already hundreds of them) had Swiss passports. As I understand this countries are using civil forfeiture procedures (I know that is what the U.S. is using) and any assets which can be connected to a crime (not necessarily the invasion of Ukraine itself) can be seized. There does not have to be a conviction. In essence the target is the asset, not the owner of the asset. There have been investigations underway for years involving Russian money laundering etc etc Its all being used now and there is a pretty low standard required between the property and the alleged crime – I believe its “substantial connection” I am no big expert in this area, but this is how I understand the law.
But several countries have already sanctioned Putin’s adult children. So I don’t think they are avoiding Kabaeva because she is too close to him

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