I figured it might be useful to have a thread for potential upgrades as we’re 4 months out from worlds, a lot of countries still have their domestic meets, and only Japan has named any worlds team members. I also couldn’t think of a good title - Mods, feel free to rename this thread.
Tiana Sumansekera training an Amanar
It looks pretty legit as far as pit vaults go. I can’t imagine it’s a worthwhile upgrade though, with only 0.4 in added value and the extra injury risk.
It’s kinda funny to think 10 years ago it was the “United States’ of Amanar”, and now Jade is the only active US athlete to have competed one afaik.
Tiana Sumansekera training an Amanar
It looks pretty legit as far as pit vaults go. I can’t imagine it’s a worthwhile upgrade though, with only 0.4 in added value and the extra injury risk.
It’s kinda funny to think 10 years ago it was the “United States’ of Amanar”, and now Jade is the only active US athlete to have competed one afaik.
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