Potential upgrades ahead of Worlds

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Is there any international meet ahead before worlds?
I mean brazilian main gymnasts havent competed abroad so far. Im not getting what is the strategy
Well, maybe some of them want to do worlds and Pan Ams, in which case they would really need to save themselves for that double header. Or they want to just focus on perfecting their routines and getting in shape. For many years the top Americans didn’t compete internationally until worlds and it appeared to work okay as far as consistency went since they did so many internal competitions. Obviously they would benefit from judges’ feedback, but sometimes all it takes is hitting lol. And I don’t think they alter their routines that much anyway.
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There is a huge gap when you compare domestic process between US And Brazil.
But Maybe you are right. It just seems risky IMO.
I mean brazilian main gymnasts havent competed abroad so far. Im not getting what is the strategy
Considering how injury prone the Brazilian team is, and how important this Worlds is in terms of team qualification to the Olympics, I would say it is a very smart strategy.

Has there every been another country that has suffered the numerous injuries that the Brazilian team has? I don’t think there has been.

The injuries to their main players have IMO cost them medals. They should have had a team medal in 2018, they should have qualified a full team to Tokyo in 2019, they should have won a team medal in 2022 as well.

Unfortunately there is very little debt in Brazil and so their veterans are relied on.
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And, Rebeca and Flavia are the backbones of the team–they likely aren’t going learn any new competitive strategies to keep them on the beam at this late date. (Hoping for a Simone/Flavia dual gold on BB in Paris so i don’t have to pick!)
Slower rehab from the ankle?
I remember seeing some bar work on her Instagram in June, but I haven’t checked lately.
The Rio de Janeiro State Champs happened last week and Isabel Ramos won AA, Andrade won VT, Oliveira won UB, Hellen Silva (2008) won BB, and Maria Heloísa Moreno won FX. Andrade, Barbosa, Oliveira, and Saraiva did not do AA. According to a reliable Twitter user, @chnespgymstan, Saraiva did an easier routine, had a big wobble on her turn, and just seemed off
Anyone seen any footage of Andrade competing on any event in 2023? Would love to see her…
CBGinastica on YouTube is dedicated to Brazilian gymnastics.
Kaliya Lincoln was a guest on gymcastic today and mentioned she has a surprise upgrade on floor coming for nationals. I feel like it’ll be front full through to full-in last pass, but we’ve also seen training clips of the Bontas as well as the Moors so who knows what she planned.
I feel like it’ll be front full through to full-in last pass
I sincerely hope not unless she’s adapted the double double technique to the full-in because it was my least favorite pass from her.
I would love to see a front full through to triple twist. Not because I have any special insights into her twisting ability (though – she did mention that she can do triple doubles in training) but because I think a routine that included a Silivas, DLO, and front full through to triple twist would be like picture perfect diverse acro composition. 😉

false alarm Flavia looks better than I believed. Still no footage of her second loso nor her round-off + layout, but her rings look good. This video includes footage of Rebeca’s very legitimate toe 1/1 + Fabrichnova, but we’ll have to see how it looks at the end of a full routine
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