Injuries, sickness and stuff…

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I got my second dose April 20. So it’s been 3 months.

First sign was when I almost passed out 20 min into a tennis match on like April 25. I can normally go 2 hours so I knew something was up. I felt like I was at altitude.

Ever since then I get like 5-10 minute episodes a couple times a day. Chest pain and flutters in my chest. Never ever had it before.

J&J because of the clot risk?
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J & J because its much less effective than the rna vaxxes. And probably not nearly as useful when it comes to developing a booster to work against the variants. the rna vector is apparently really good for that. And yea, then there are the bad side effects.
First sign was when I almost passed out 20 min into a tennis match on like April 25. I can normally go 2 hours so I knew something was up. I felt like I was at altitude.

Ever since then I get like 5-10 minute episodes a couple times a day. Chest pain and flutters in my chest. Never ever had it before.
Thats pretty scary

I would go to another doc for a 2d opinion

But look, all vaccines have some very small % of people who do have serious bad reactions.
I’ve been to 3 docs!

One said it was anxiety and “you probably lost some fitness over lockdown”. Another did an EKG and said the readout was fine so it must be anxiety (even though I understand EKGs cannot detect myocarditis at all). The third was a video call and he said I could go to a cardiologist if I wanted but it would probably clear up on its own anyway. And given that I lost my health insurance a few months ago, and my deductible now is insane, I kinda can’t afford it!

I even reported it on my Pfizer text check ins that they send to you (the VAERS thing). Repeatedly noted it. Haven’t heard anything from them to follow it up.
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Why did you lose your health insurance? Don’t you practice law somewhere???

Did you have covid at any point?
I quit! It got pretty rough at work…

Nope, as far as I know I never got COVID. But who can say they really know unless they tested positive?
Right. You may have had COVID and not known it

Or it could be a vax rx. Rare but they happen

Sorry you had to leave your job. The truth is many people go to law school and end up hating practicing.

It’s basically a lifetime of endless work and stress. I love it but I am in the minority. I also just got a lot of really lucky breaks.
I don’t mind the work it’s just the hours and in particular, I had a lot of clients in a country 12hrs from NYC…. So lots of 8am and 9pm conference calls. Couldnt take it no more!

I think a lot of lawyers have had the same exit process over lockdown. Recruiters are going crazy right now!

And yes - it may totally be a long COVID symptom and I never even knew I got it. But the timing of it, literally being a few days after dose 2, is kinda sus.

But I hate talking about it because I don’t wanna be seen as anti vax! If I knew what I know now I’d probably take J&J though and hope I didn’t get a clot. Those seem way more rare than the heart inflammation issues. I get the feeling that some cases (like mine) are pretty mild, and people just don’t see a dr about it. Millions of people have palpitations all the time and it means nothing.
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It’s hard for me not to be full of hate for those people. Why aren’t THEIR dads dead, THEIR friends on dialysis, and THEIR bodies weak and aching? Maybe they suck so much even viruses don’t want them.
Can you get them to look at your nerves instead? Like a dysautonomia? Check for POTs?
Oh god, I already have health anxiety at the best of times lol. I really can’t be googling more health conditions haha

I know you have the best of intentions lol!

I’m gonna keep an eye on it. It’s definitely not getting worse. So hopefully it will improve. If it’s still there after 6 months I’ll prob see another doc. It’s just annoying because most docs just pass it off as anxiety and i feel like i have to spend so much energy trying to convince them (i feel like) it’s nothing! And just pretty unsettling feeling your heart fluttering and getting chest pain. But even the guy who said it might be inflammation said noone dies of it it can just put you in the hospital for a few days. I dunno, im trying not to Google it, which for sure will give me anxiety haha
I’m sorry, I don’t want to make you feel worse! I know how it feels, I got tachycardia after Covid.
It’s possible to get your antibodies checked apparently. A friend of mine was involved in a project and the blood test found she had some older antibodies as well as the ones this year from the vaccine, so they think she had it in 2020. For her it would be either what she got told was a chest infection in early Feb 2020 or something asymptomatic after that, but they weren’t able to tell her which. She was invited to be in the research so it was free, but you can pay privately and I don’t think it’s that expensive.

I hope things are going ok. Those hours sound brutal, I’ve always thought, can see why you weren’t up for it anymore. There are ways to do law without it, I’ve hardly ever done that kind of stretch, but you probably wouldn’t like the wages!
@Doug1233 my coworker and I had lunch a few weeks ago and he mentioned similar symptoms. He is a runner/jogger and said he is done after a mile instead of the usual several miles and his symptoms started right after his vaccine. I can ask him which vaccine and if his Dr has said anything. I think his initial symptoms were dismissed as seasonal allergies because Virginia + spring = allergies.
Doug, I do not think it’s anything to worry about but you should find a doctor who takes it seriously. It sounds like COVID which makes sense since people get COVID symptoms after the vaccine. You are not sick just having a rx to the vax. But this should be both documented and followed. Are you in nyc?
If you are in NY, I would give the Covid Long Haul Clinic at Mt Sinal a call and go there. Explain you do not know if its a rx to the vaccine or the vaccine triggered a rx to the covid virus you had but did not know you had. Since its covid related I doubt there will be a charge if you do not have insurance. Also, Mt Sinai can process an application for temporary Medicaid if you can not afford to pay because of loss of insurance.

I would definitely start here and if they can not help you ask for a referral

Also, NIH has a Medline system where you can try to see if they have any appropriate referrals

Contact the vaers people and ask for a referral

the one thing I do not think you should do is not get good medical follow up with this. This is not to be stressed over. But err on the side of caution. Hope this helps.
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Thank you! Yes I am in nyc I’ll check these out.

Very nice if you to look into that for me. Thank you.
Yes, I was asked if I had allergies too.

I guess these “mild” symptoms can be quite easy to dismiss. I’m not collapsing or anything. It’s just kinda… lingering…!
I had my antibodies tested in like, May or June 2020 I think. No antibodies. But anything could have happened between then and my second vax.
You are welcome.

If none of these work out let me know and i will find other referrals.

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