Injuries, sickness and stuff…

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So for athletes who are already there, if they do a test that comes out positive and subsequently record a negative, they can carry on as they were?
Until the next test? The plan must be to test these athletes extremely often.

This is going to be such a weird competition. Olympic pressure is one thing, but what will it be like to constantly worry about test results and possible Covid exposure and to compete with no audience?
that scares heck out of me because there are FAR more false negatives than false positives.
I saw on of the British girls. Instas “daily COVID test” so I assume daily.
Scary to think three top teams could be knocked out and a team like German could have gold )which would be great on one way but really not for the athletes whose dreams are over)
The delta variant does not evade the vaccines, at least not Pfizer or AstraZeneca. The Alpha variant is the one (so far) that is most resistant to vaccines, although still highly effective.
The delta variant does not evade the vaccines, at least not Pfizer
Yes it does, to some degree.

Canadian and UK studies show an effectiveness of the rna vaccines against the delta variant to fall to 77 - 88% from 95% with symptomatic disease. Same studies show Astrozeneca way lower.

And the Israeli studies show a 64% effectiveness of pfizer with delta against symptomatic disease.

And the Israelis have done a FAR better job of systematically documenting and tracking this virus and its variants than anyone so I take their data far more seriously than anyone elses.

The rna vaccines are still about 94 - 95% effective against "severe " disease and hospitalization. But since many people with moderate and mild covid develop very serious “Long covid” illness even months after “recovery” (Lancet published a very detailed article this week) That is of little assurance.
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Yes it is. It is now known to attack every organ system in the body. Wherever the heck you have a weak spot. I am living with that now after the mildest of cases.
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A bunch of democratic lawmakers (all vaxxed) in Texas, who fled a vote on voting rights and all flew to DC a couple days ago, all just tested positive for Delta.

Imagine Simone being stuck in her hotel room during prelims, if someone else tested positive but was totally asymptomatic, and in an athlete bubble where every other person around them is fully vaccinated.

It would almost be funny. Like - a one in a lifetime “wtf” moment.
I tried to engage with some of the crazies on Instagram who are ADAMANT that more people died in June FROM the vaccine than from COVID.

But it’s literally like arguing with a plate of jelly. Nothing ever works. And it’s always the same responses; “name your sources” and “wake up!” being the standard stock responses.

As soon as you say you got your figures from a Dr, the CDC or any media outlet, it’s “Don’t trust everything you are told”, “you’re a sheep” and “do your own research”. It’s exhausting.
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But it’s literally like arguing with a plate of jelly. Nothing ever works. And it’s always the same responses. “Do your research” and “wake up!” Being classics.
Its mind boggling. Has there ever been so much insanity about a vaccine before? And you know I noticed that “do your research” thing too. They never have any actual scientific data to show you. But they have this ridiculous smug attitude like they are way smarter than the rest of us and can see this massive conspiracy us nitwits are falling for. Who exactly is in on this conspiracy they can never actually articulate much less document. But they are all quite fond of telling us all to “do our research.”
When I say “There’s no point in me, a corporate lawyer, doing my own research into virology. I wouldn’t understand any of it. That’s why we have experts”, I get “anyone can read! I know about my friends friends cousins half sisters friend, who got the vaccine and now has tremors!!!”

To be fair, I’ve not felt at all right after my second Pfizer dose. Palpitations, shortness of breath when exercising and pretty bad chest pain. Started like 4/5 days after. I spoke to a doc and he said it could be myocarditis but there’s no cure for it anyway so just take it easy! Not very reassuring but at least the palpitations are slowly getting less frequent. So I’m hoping I’ll be fine by the time a booster comes around. Still a bit scary though! Although I’m sure if I got COVID it could have been way worse.

You can swap vaccines for a booster right? Like, I could get a J&J booster instead of a third Pfizer?
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when did you get your 2d dose?

As far as getting a different vaccine for a booster I am not sure. I would stay away from J & J personally.

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