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Shoulda, woulda, coulda, but Smith was clearly going to be the 2017 World AA Champion. She qualified 2nd by .001 AND counted a fall on beam. Her score in prelims (with the fall) would have won in the finals. Also she had a strong chance at a floor medal, maybe even gold.
She really looked great in Montreal. Never as good before, and certainly never as good after.
I think pretty much everyone assumed Ragan would cakewalk it once Larisa got injured out.
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Riley is injured again and looks like she is sitting out this season.
I forget, how did Larissa look? Would she have been a threat?
She was pretty competitive when she won Universiade in the summer. I assume she’d have fallen on one of her many back fulls on beam if she’d been healthy, but we were at least in the space where we could dream.
She was pretty competitive when she won Universiade in the summer. I assume she’d have fallen on one of her many back fulls on beam if she’d been healthy, but we were at least in the space where we could dream.
thanks… Was Andrade injured in 17?
Thank you! I didnt want to pay for Peacock, but 20 bucks i can handle. Plus its an Olympic year, i dont want to miss any coverage.
Ugh, Americans. First you get a holiday on a Thursday, then you get good deals on coverage the rest of us can’t even access. The worst. 😆

(Love you all!! Happy belated Thanksgiving.)
Not social media but…for the Americans, just saw Peacock will be $1.99/month for 12 months of $19.99 for a year (new subscriptions only). So if you don’t have it and want to be able to watch alllllllllllll the gymnastics in 2024, jump on that.
Thanks for the heads up.
Also, you don’t have to be new subscriber. My account is not active and when I logged in, it automatically offered the $19.99 to me so I signed back up. Now I have to set my calendar to remind me to cancel Thanksgiving next year.
Ugh, Americans. First you get a holiday on a Thursday, then you get good deals on coverage the rest of us can’t even access. The worst. 😆

(Love you all!! Happy belated Thanksgiving.)
You can with a VPN.
Padurariu deferring NCAA to go for Paris is something I didn’t see coming. Not really any room for a bars/beam specialist on the team however, so it really is a long shot.
Padurariu deferring NCAA to go for Paris is something I didn’t see coming. Not really any room for a bars/beam specialist on the team however, so it really is a long shot.
I hope she doesn’t try to add tons of difficulty back in. Her NCAA routine is not far from a great elite exercise — and with very good execution and dance!

Compared to this:

I would say that adding the front aerial + split jump + BHS and a double tuck dismount should be enough. That mount sequence is so wonderful and a nice way to pick up a couple skills while doing some cool choreo.

Even removing the sheep jump and doing this would be a solid exercise:
mount (C)
turn (D)
switch split (C)
aerial + BHS (D + B + 1)
front aerial + split jump + BHS (D + B + 0.2)
double tuck (D)

D-score: 5.1
E-score: easily could be an 8.6 or more.
Total: 13.7

With the aerial + two layouts series, it would be +0.4 but also maybe more deductions.
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She couldn’t compete her Olympic routines. But she could compete, I think.

The Amanar baulk scared her, and she rightly couldn’t compete the rest of that day.

But I wonder if Laurent, seeing the twisties start the day after prelims, couldn’t have tweaked/watered down her routines before TF. She would have still been a better option, at least on bars and beam with watered down dismounts, than Jordan.
If she was unable to land a full in on floor then the chances of her replacing that and the triple double and full in beam and bars dismounts was slim to none
If she was unable to land a full in on floor then the chances of her replacing that and the triple double and full in beam and bars dismounts was slim to none
IIRC, she had to "relearn" the double pike off beam during the days between the TF balk and beam finals, which was the last day of the competition. I don't think she was prepared to downgrade on the day. And she was still the best gymnast in the world by several tenths in QF even with all of the mistakes, so I wonder if they thought drastically changing her routines at that point felt premature.
McCusker posted an Instagram story about getting surgery, so we can assume she's out for a bit, unfortunately. No details on the injury, though it's obviously the lower leg/ankle.
She can't catch an effing break, can she? At least there's always her 2023 post season to look back on if she ends up taking a medical.
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