Asher Hong and Josh Karnes appeared in this Gymshark post. It looks like Gymshark is no longer exclusively using roided up Instagram influencers for advertising.
Tomas Gonzalez of Chile released his autobiography Campeon, the book discusses his childhood, his gymnastics career, his abusive coach, and his struggle to come to terms with his homosexuality with his conservative parents and living in a “macho and heteropatriarchal country”, he finally decided to come out publicly with the release of the book, since the book outs him.
Congrats to him on coming out and also becoming an author.
El deportista chileno, tres veces finalista olímpico, Tomás González relató en su autobiografía los abusos psicológicos de su entrenador en la previa de Londres 2012 y las dificultades para asumirse homosexual en una sociedad machista y heteropatriarcal como la chilena.
Can someone summarise? Tiktok is worried that the post will be uncomfortable for some people, and won’t let me watch without logging in. I don’t have an account.