FX EF INQUIRY (Jordan Chiles Stripped Of Bronze Medal/USAG launches appeal) PART 2

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I think it was to improve the look of the field of play for spectators, TV, photographers (not necessarily in that order of priority). Having them raised does help with some judging angles/not looking up at lights as well. It does look better and my amateur photos are much improved without water bottles and judges cluttering the background. However it’s not worth it when it demonstrably hurts the sport. I also dislike how floor choreography is now focused on the judge’s viewpoint rather than in a range of directions.
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Wasn't it a Grandi thing that they wanted gymnastics to be more "performance" without judges cluttering up the viewer/audience "experience"? It was also the reason that they banned (now reinstated) warm-ups.
Wasn't it a Grandi thing that they wanted gymnastics to be more "performance" without judges cluttering up the viewer/audience "experience"? It was also the reason that they banned (now reinstated) warm-ups.
Did that contribute to dark cavernous arenas with spotlit gymnasts too I wonder?

I like "people-watching" at the mostly older well lit tournaments.
Which worlds started this wretched trend? Glasgow? I hate how contrived and theatrical it all is. It's a damn sporting event. Light the freaking arenas. Put the officials where they can actually see the event they're assigned to.

Angrily shakes fist at clouds.
I remember there being a big problem at 2017 worlds when gymnasts complained about the dark arenas and being blinded by the spotlights
Which worlds started this wretched trend? Glasgow?

Yep, it was Glasgow.

2014 Worlds the lights were all on and the judges tables were up against the podiums.

Nanning China.png

2015 the judges were gone and everything was plunged into darkness.

2015 Worlds - Arena 5.jpg

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