24-25 Coaching Changes

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Just checked, and in addition to Maile joining the coaching staff, Jaedyn Rucker returns for a 6th year. Ugh

(And Norah Christian has switched from Auburn to Utah)
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It helps that Utah has a strong NIL presence/collective. IIRC all the gymnasts were given leased cars from a dealership.
Well, that cements Utah as a "likely toxic" program in my mind. Not only did they promote statements that de facto supported Tom Farden and kept the rest of the staff, but they're adding athletes involved in that to the staff.
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OOOOOHHHHHHHHH, who could they be???
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Ohh that would be a killer to Brink!

King I can see completely.

Looks like Georgia has a mindset on whom they want to recruit.
Ohh that would be a killer to Brink!

King I can see completely.

Looks like Georgia has a mindset on whom they want to recruit.
They are the only coaches I can think of that are of the pedigree Georgia are probably looking for, and have international experience. They also both have experience within the SEC, I’m sure he was a volunteer coach at Bama I don’t know if he overlapped there with Ryan
As a Georgia fan I'm very excited about all of these hires. I will be surprised if Georgia does not significantly improve this coming year.
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Georgia are definitely making a statement. How unusual to have 3 out of 4 coaches to have competed at international level for different countries
I wonder if that's part of a strategy to get international recruits. UGA isn't getting the American recruits they want, so maybe they're tapping into the European market?
Not that I think it will happen, but what happens next year if they finish behind LSU, Florida, Kentucky and Arkansas?
I think that recruiting of American recruits has improved since Roberts was hired. Last year's class was considered the number 1 class. If he can do that again a few times then they will be more competitive in the SEC as well as the nation. Don't forget Oklahoma is joining the SEC next year! UGA finished dead last at the SEC championship this year so they have no where to go but up. I doubt they'll surpass LSU, Florida or Oklahoma but it would not shock me for them to be competitive with Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Auburn or possibly even Bama. I'm so ready for some Georgia success!
Not that I think it will happen, but what happens next year if they finish behind LSU, Florida, Kentucky and Arkansas?
I wonder if that's part of a strategy to get international recruits. UGA isn't getting the American recruits they want, so maybe they're tapping into the European market?
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They need a few years, this isn't going to happen overnight.

Alabama is going to be tough next year too and Oklahoma is in SEC next year.
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On Gymcastic, they stated that many of the gymnasts told AD that if Roberts goes, they were leaving as well.

Hence the quick turn around to keep him. Making him co-head coach along with Cecile also factored in that Cecile won't be in Athens until the end of the summer following the Olympics, and the next few months are crucial in terms of transfers and recruiting. Without him there, none of that would get accomplished.

I do hope Mollie Korth gets picked up elsewhere.

Gotta feel bad for Heather Brink, the team was improving and now she loses two strong coaches. I also wonder if any gymnasts at Nebraska will head over to Georgia, similar to the Utah State to Clemson gymnasts.

It will be an interesting few months!

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