2021 Worlds MAG AA Final

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Such a close AA - 0.02 between Gold and Silver
I fear this is another FIG rounding issue? Please can someone tell me it’s not?

I guess the smallest margin can be 0.033 (one judge, one tenth, one apparatus). Maybe it’s been incorrectedly rounded down to seem smaller, but that it still actually existed and it wasn’t in fact a tie.

God I HATE FIG math.
I bet everyone in that Top 9 feels like they could have gotten a bronze with a tweak here or there.

Is Yul disappointed?
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Wow our local boy Will Emard, Canada but really Quebec, finished 8th. Very impressed with that.
So close! I don’t know nearly enough about MAG to be able to argue if 1/2 are right or should switch, but it was gripping to watch!
It was kinda a silly fall. Almost a Karpenko type trip over his own toes.
I’m not 💯 sure if he always cranks that giant like that, but it totally looked like he was supposed to stop in a handstand again, overshot it, then decided to just go for it. Looked like he pulled too hard to compensate and wasn’t prepared for the landing. Such a bummer.
Another major MAG competition that was essentially a tie. So many TFs and AAs in the last few years that have been down to the hundredths.
Enjoy it because it will never happen again!
It absolutely is possible only due to R-panel intervention. Moreover, it was the decision of one R-panel judge that made the difference.

Today’s result could easily have gone the other way. It was basically a coin toss.
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I’m glad they’re removing the R Panel and moving them to the E Jury. But I hate how they’re still counting the middle 3 instead of the middle 5.

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