2021 Russian Cup (June 8-12) -- last Russian competition before Tokyo, besides videoless verification meets

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She looks like she’s getting a decent lift from her coach, but this looks like one of the more promising Silivas from Russia since Zamo lol.

The main gymnasts to watch aside from the obvious three are Gerasimova, Vorona, Ilyankova, Minaeva, Schekoldina, and Akhaimova. With Becky being out of Tokyo, the Russians could really capitalize and use their two +1s for their best bar workers: Ilyankova and Minaeva, contingent on the latter’s upgrades having materialized

Also, at the competition there was a tribute to Aliya–featuring Steingruber, Seitz, Paseka, Nabieva, Melnikova, and Spiridonova–as she formally announced her retirement. Many gymnasts, including Raisman and Hurd, have posted on twitter or instagram in celebration of her career
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Funny that Russia has 2 extras spots and i just cant seem to figure out even one extra girl apart from the team who would be worthy
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Well aside from the obvious three, it looks like their planning on Lilia as number four. Lilia makes the team potentially lighter on bars and beam, but the other choices make them lighter on vault and floor. Lilia traveled with the big three in rotation today.
I suspect we’ll see a bar worker (either Minaeva or Ilyankova) and Gerasimova for beam for the plus 2 spots. I don’t think they’ll bring two for bars. I’m not sure what Minaeva’s start value could be if she did everything. She’s shown so many different things in training.
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I agree but with Urazova still coming back from injury, you’d like to replace her on floor if you can. So one of them has to do floor.

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