2021 Russian Nationals (March 8-14)

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Oh Nabz.

Based on Urazova’s newfound inconsistency on beam–what the actual f*ck–Gerasimova’s stock went up. Vorona, while having a disastrous Nats, is stronger on VT and FX than Gerasimova, so she could still challenge for that last slot. Listunova, Urazova, and Melnikova are going to have a grueling competition–they may as well all do AA in TF.
I don’t trust those 3 to hit BB in TQ and TF to be honest.
Were most people predicting the team would be those 4? Many had Akhaimova, because Listunova’s DTY has always been gross and there was no telling how it would translate to 2021…until she stood it up and Akhaimova tweaked her ankle.

Russian Cup will be much more telling than Championships. Gerasimova has broken 53 only twice internationally, IIRC. She doesn’t have anything sewn up yet, and how much would this discussion change if Melnikova, Urazova, and Listunova more or less hit beam at Russian Cup (lol)?
Now that vault seems pretty secure they need at least 1 person who can hit beam. But Russia being Russia the person expected to hit beam probably would have the meltdown in TF. If Akaimova isn’t severely injured I see her getting the 4th spot.
Are there full videos of the AA. Might judge this.
Yes, this channel has the top gymnasts’ complete AA:

I’d be into judging too.

I think the main wild card we need to see is Minaeva. If she upgrades for Russian Cup, then we’re in for a great battle between her and Ilyankova for the +1, methinks.

Edit: the judges here have been a little generous with Listunova on bars. Her Jaeger and Ricna catches should be -0.3 nearly every time… she catches very close.
Last edited:
Viktoria Listunova - Uneven Bars


4 x E (Komova, Ricna, piked stalder full, stalder Shaposhnikova 1/2) - 2.0
4 x D (Pak salto, piked stalder 1/2, straddled Jaeger, full twisting double tuck) - 1.6

Total DV - 3.6


Komova + Ricna (E + E with x2 flight) = 0.2 CV

piked stalder full + Pak salto + stalder Shaposhnikova 1/2 (E + D + E, D + D or higher + D + E with x2 flight) = 0.3 CV

piked stalder 1/2 + straddled Jaeger (D + D) = 0.1 CV

Total CV - 0.6


Flight from high bar to low bar - Pak salto
Flight element on same bar - Ricna
Different Grips - Komova, straddled Jaeger
Non-flight with 360 degree turn - piked stalder full

Total D - 3.6 + 0.6 + 2.0 = 6.2


giant 1/2
  • Devalued by one letter because element was not finished within 10 degrees of handstand
  • No impact on D score because it isn’t a counting element

  • (flexed feet) 0.1
  • (body shape / excessive arch on back swing) 0.1
  • (bent arms upon regrasp → does not appear to be significant in real time, and not disruptive to flow out of skill) 0.1
piked stalder full
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
  • (turn completed past handstand → past 45 degrees of handstand) 0.5
Pak salto
  • (angle of completion → between 10 and 30 degrees of handstand) 0.1
piked stalder 1/2
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
  • (turn completed past handstand → between 10 and 30 degrees of handstand) 0.1
straddled Jaeger
  • (bent arms upon regrasp → does not appear to be significant in real time, and not disruptive to flow out of skill) 0.1
giant 1/2
  • (turn completed past handstand → between 10 and 30 degrees of handstand) 0.1
full twisting double tuck
  • (leg separation → greater than shoulder width) 0.3
  • (balance adjustment on landing) 0.1
Total E - 8.2 / -1.8

Total Score = 6.2 + 8.2 = 14.40
Viktoria Listunova - Balance Beam


5 x D (candle mount, front tuck, aerial, Kochetkova, double tuck)

Total Acro DV - 2.0


1 x E (Mitchell)
2 x D (split ring leap, ring jump)

Total Dance DV - 1.3

CV / Series Bonus

front handspring + front tuck (B + D with 2x forward acro) = 0.2 CV

switch leap + split ring leap (C + D) = 0.1 CV

aerial + ring jump + back handspring stepout (D + D + B) = 0.3 CV + 0.1 SB

split jump + Kochetkova (B + D) = 0.1 CV

Total CV / SB = 0.8


Dance Series - switch leap + split ring leap
Turn - Mitchell
Acro Series with Salto - front handspring + front tuck
Acro Elements in Different Directions - aerial, back handspring stepout

Total D - 3.3 + 0.8 + 2.0 = 6.1


front handspring + front tuck
  • No CV due to the fall on the front tuck.
split jump + Kochetkova
  • Elements were not connected
switch leap + split ring leap
  • No CV due to the slight pause before initiating the split ring leap
  • Note that both the split ring leap and ring jump look to have limited arch, but I gave Listunova the benefit of the doubt since the angle wasn’t the best for accurately evaluating these elements.
D - 3.3 + 0.4 + 2.0 = 5.7


  • (excessive preparation) 0.1
  • (small balance error during final rotation) 0.1
  • (small balance adjustment following turn) 0.1
front handspring
  • (bent knees) 0.1
front tuck
  • (fall) 1.0
split ring leap
  • (small adjustment after landing) 0.1
aerial + ring jump
  • (poor rhythm of connection) 0.1
split jump
  • (excessive preparation) 0.1
  • (excessive preparation) 0.1
  • (small balance adjustment) 0.1
round off
  • (excessive preparation) 0.1
double tuck
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
  • (body posture on landing / chest forward) 0.1
  • (large step on landing) 0.3
Total - 2.5

  • Insufficient artistry - Confidence 0.1
  • Insufficient complexity or creativity in the movements 0.1
Total E - 7.3 / -2.7

Total Score = 5.7 + 7.3 = 13.00
Spreadsheet is here:

If anyone wants to judge and doesn’t have edit access, please PM me your email and I’ll add you in.

Does anyone have the AA Final results with full D E and ND breakdown? I can only see the total scores on Gymternet.
Viktoria Listunova - Floor Exercise


1 x E (triple twist)
2 x D (double tuck, double pike)
1 x C (layout front full)

Total Acro DV - 1.6


2 x E (Mustafina, Mitchell)
2 x D (double turn with leg at horizontal, full twisting switch leap)

Total Dance DV - 1.8


whip + whip - back handspring - triple twist (A + A - indirect E) = 0.2 CV


Dance Passage - switch ring leap to full twisting switch leap
Salto with 360 LA turn - triple twist
Double Salto - double tuck
Salto Backward and Forward - layout front full, double pike

Total D - 3.4 + 0.2 + 2.0 = 5.6


triple twist
  • (slightly crossed legs) 0.1
  • (deviation from ideal landing position / chest slightly low and forward) 0.1
  • (step on landing) 0.1
  • (additional step / adjustment) 0.1
  • (excessive preparation) 0.1
  • (lack of precision) 0.1
layout front full
  • (hop on landing) 0.1
double turn with leg at horizontal
  • (excessive preparation) 0.1
  • (lack of precision) 0.1
  • (lack of precision) 0.1
double tuck
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
  • (hop on landing) 0.1
full twisting switch leap
  • (landed with feet apart) 0.1
  • (balance adjustment) 0.1
double pike
  • (deviation from ideal landing position, chest low and forward) 0.1
  • (hop on landing) 0.1
  • Insufficient complexity or creativity in the movements 0.1
Total E - 8.3 / -1.7

Total Score = 5.6 + 8.3 = 13.90
Is there any way to have a wiki (or maybe a post that we update with new competitions) so that all the spreadsheets can be easily found after the competitions? I know there have been times on the old wwgym that I was like “crap, where was that Worlds 2018 google doc” and then have to flip through a hundred pages to find it. Ooh, or we use a tag. Can you tag just a post or do you have to tag the whole thread…so many things to learn!
@makam - if anyone (or a mod) wants to make a wiki, happy for them to use these. Some are messy AF (especially the earlier ones). Fun to take a look back though!

Tokyo Olympics - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...AoPoZKEN4e8wMmgHg9i0YpMeJ0/edit#gid=725053037

Winter Cup / Russian Nationals - 2021 - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...qd8uTOa60vRI0pK9rcyPXgHTLo/edit#gid=429891774

2020 World Cup Series - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V93bz0dvTJJn4JtoWQ3zHqL07MVuDaZGflJwTy5nm4Y/edit#gid=0

Worlds 2019 - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...n8azkuiT8ctzlM0DI9mZ2Jlya4/edit#gid=335560003

2019 World Cup Series - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xQ7F3Kkcp9i7Bt-8Qq87tyz90_7J5dmh1IHYmHNwdXk/edit#gid=0

2019 US Classics, Nationals, World Trials - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14jYBuA2VpPTA0l0ZvQd4PPHGJn3FKOko8p0_7R_-Kew/edit

Euros 2019 - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nvsVlC1WxEiHfcg0R8xA0JzHqWQ_7erexIsIjmTmNOo/edit

Worlds 2018 - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...YL40t-xAe4X8U_5YVYi02iUuI/edit#gid=2000321611

2018 World Cup Series - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14OtdKp8EXnKPOdLS6mcGMuz5JqMiUU9FdHwP1yWTIfA/edit

2018 US Classic - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GVi9mtcnWQpt9m3PQoAJvtY50lmP7KbVWU8d96uxULM/edit

2018 - US Verification for Pacific Rim - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10x9nWpheJUjp3jxJm8IkNrqYBsfKHwO5k2VN2ftVfNs/edit

Euros 2018 - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SIa8cZQv5OLQV0ldQWTe9u3mMc9x4DvVy_SlVKLnnrk/edit

Worlds 2017 - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HXM91hPcogE6zaonHPB2hRbgXnLeAaRqZoMHWawemuY/edit#gid=0

US Nationals Day 1 2017 - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16cK441Cw4X1xCK3_cWvexS1sF45cgAnVuL_g7o82lMg/edit

US Nationals Day 2 - 2017 - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BnI1mlOHPVY_aXecA-pD0Ah_Kpq1njvpvgrJkeHm3N8/edit
Interestingly, Chiles is juuuust beating both Listonova and Urazova in the AA right now, based on WWGym Judges scores.

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