US WAG world team trials

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L to R:
Shilese Jones
Skye Blakely
Interchangable GAGE Gymnast #1
Addison Fatta
Lexi Zeiss
Leanne Wong
Jade Carey
Interchangable GAGE Gymnast #2
Nola Matthews
Jordan Chiles
Leanne probably thinking to herself “thank god I’m at Florida so I don’t have to wear those heart sweaters”
Nah, I bet she’s jealous! She wears those damn bows; a clean, non-juvenile look isn’t exactly her aesthetic.
Do we know if they’ll livestream or at least post videos of the scored routines? Will scores be posted?
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I assume Lauren and/or Spencer will live blog it.

Reminder: tonight’s winner is automatically named to the team. Lots at stake, and no clear-cut favorite to win.
I’m fine with either Leanne (redemption from injury layoff) or Skye (continuation of a good path). 🙂
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Got my FlipNow subscription set up and ready to go.

Going to go back and watch Nationals from the 90’s next week while waiting for Worlds. Maybe relive the 01-04 quad.
The stream is on. They’re all in navy blue with sparkles.

Some admin person telling the coaches “we aren’t marching, just introducing”


National anthem


Leanne had a bit of a laboured Silivas on warm up but made it around and didn’t look sketch. And a BEAUTIFUL double piked arabian to stag. Gorious!
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Jade on floor. Would not credit the L Hop Full. I had 7.9E (0.4 artistry).

Huge DTY from Shi. Gorgeous body position. Little scrappy legs and a couple of shuffles back. I had 9.2E

Much neater DTY from Skye. A 0.1 step back. 9.2E from me.
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All right, I subscribed to FlipNow for this. Watching on my iPad so I can follow along here while watching a Twitch live stream and in a Zoom class.
I had a 5.3E for the GAGE girl on floor (dunno who) and an 8.7E for the FTY (dunno who).

That floor was an absolute fucking mess.

Jordan dancing and joking around before vault.

Nice big DTY from Chiles. 0.3 hop then 0.1 astep. 9.1E from me.

7.4 (3 artistry) for second blond GAGE girl who I dont know.

Jordan hit a Lopez. 9.5 from me. INCREDIBLE.
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Floor was Disidore, and got 5.65E. She’s doing the same difficulty as Carey? (I’m just going off the live scores)

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