Russia-Ukraine War: Effects on Gymn World

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And that is at the heart of it. Many people without the knowledge or research who think that because Putin is bad, he must be all the bad things
There’s a reason that article is asking questions rather than concluding. There is no “ethnic purity” in Russia. We are very mixed. Putin only need look at his staff and his friends to see that. Let’s look at the oligarchs who’ve been in the news- Abramovich, Deripaska, Usmanov. Do these names sound Russian?!
Yes and one of Putin’s excuses for the invasion is that Ukraine did not treat Russians well.
That much is true to a large extent – certainly since 2014 and the Euromaiden revolution. It in no way justifies anything Putin is doing but it is largely true. The Ukrainians were really furious after Putin’s annexation of Crimea and after Donetsk and Luhansk declared themselves breakaway regions. People would get arrested for reading Russian language newspapers for pete sake, Its true.
And that is at the heart of it. Many people without the knowledge or research who think that because Putin is bad, he must be all the bad things
I know. I am a lawyer so I understand the power of words and the importance of accuracy in accusations. You just can’t accuse every bad person of every bad thing. Just because a person robbed a bank does not mean they are also a murderer. And just because you are a murderer does not mean you are also a rapist. And people should learn about a situation before commenting. STILL – Putin is 100% the bad guy here. That much is for sure true.
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There is frankly discrimination and suppression of every group in that part of the world – whoever is in the minority in a given place (in terms of religion or ethnicity or even primary language) is in trouble. But Putin has simply outdone them all in terms of sheer insanity and barbaric behavior. And of course in his quest to subjugate all the former Soviet nation states. And Zelensky was showing every sign of trying to bring true democratic reform to Ukraine. I think he is a real good guy.
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I know. I am a lawyer so I understand the power of words and the importance of accuracy in accusations. You just can’t accuse every bad person of every bad thing.
Look you both are very convinced of your superior knowledge and thinking ability. You can disagree with others and we get that the basis is your self-proclaimed superiority. It’s more helpful to the discussion if you put aside that and stop throwing your credentials out there in order to derail another person’s argument.

Half of this conversation is between you two congratulating yourselves on where you have a meeting of the minds.
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I certainly do not have any superior knowledge or thinking ability- I’m a dance teacher. My knowledge only comes from being a Russian living in Moscow who grew up and was educated in the West and a such I am probably more aware than most of bath Russian brainwashing and western ignorance
I am not claiming any superior thinking ability. And for the most part when it comes to this particular conversation I am totally on your side of it. Not on MCs. But I do know what ethnic cleansing is and this is not it. And for various reasons i happen to know a lot about that part of the world. Thats all. And I really think in a matter of this magnitude it is only helpful to make accurate accusations. For sure Putin has given us plenty of opportunity there. There is hardly a shortage of truly dreadful things we can rightfully accuse this man of.
We are all against the war and against the war. Where my opinion differs
  • I don’t like Zelensky- but that doesn’t mean I’m pro Putin!
  • I don’t think that trying to “cancel” Russia is effective in helping Ukraine not igniting regime change/reform in Russia.
I am also acutely aware of examining carefully what various media outlets are claiming. It’s just what you have to do here. But I’m surprised that so many people in the west don’t do this, and as a result end up believing all sorts of fake news

If people are genuinely calling what’s happening in Ukraine “ethnic cleansing” then they are going to struggle to find any war that didn’t involve ethnic cleansing. Civilian death and displacement happen with all conflicts unfortunately
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If people are genuinely calling what’s happening in Ukraine “ethnic cleansing” then they are going to struggle to find any war that didn’t involve ethnic cleansing. Civilian death and displacement happen with all conflicts unfortunately
I have not seen a single expert commentator or governmental official or human rights or war crimes expert make that claim. But as i said there is no shortage of truly vile things we can very correctly accuse Putin of right now. He is a mad man and the danger now is that he so totally underestimated both the response and the fortitude of Ukraine and overestimated his own army’s strength, that he has boxed himself into a corner. God knows what that man is going to do next.
Well, that is the problem. And this is why the international community isolating him is so dangerous in a situation where things are not going to plan. I think the idea of him going nuclear is unlikely, but chemical yes absolutely I can see that happening unfortunately
I think the idea of him going nuclear is unlikely, but chemical yes absolutely I can see that happening unfortunately
He might. But I personally think whats needed is a HUGE step up in military aid to Ukraine. It never helps to be craven in the face of a bully. EVER
Is there a difference, in effect, between eliminating the concept of Ukraine as a sovereign nation snd eliminating the “Ukrainian-ness” of Ukrainian people by considering them Russian.
Look you both are very convinced of your superior knowledge and thinking ability. You can disagree with others and we get that the basis is your self-proclaimed superiority. It’s more helpful to the discussion if you put aside that and stop throwing your credentials out there in order to derail another person’s argument.
This came out of nowhere to me. Why is Jaja explaining why she (or he?) has more than average knowledge on the subject her “throwing your credentials out there”? If you were a baker and you would have a discussion with someone over how to make bread, wouldn’t you mention being a baker as well, if you think the other person is wrong in the discussion?

It just gives me “why would your view on Covid be superior, just because you’re a virologist” vibes.

And MaryClare is the only known Russian in this thread. And no, that doesn’t mean she’s automatically right about everything, but I can imagine her having some “hello, I actually líve here”-moments.
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Is there a difference, in effect, between eliminating the concept of Ukraine as a sovereign nation snd eliminating the “Ukrainian-ness” of Ukrainian people by considering them Russian.
Neither of these things would qualify as 'ethnic cleansing" under international law. That is all I am saying
And btw, I do not put Putin above ethnic cleansing. But Ukrainians are Slavs. They are not in the category of people Putin would wnat to ethnically cleanse from Russia or Ukraine or any place else.

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