Russia-Ukraine War: Effects on Gymn World

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Is it being reported today in the British media that the reason for the Russian convoy north of Kiev being mostly stalled is that they are experiencing frequently tyre blowouts due to the tyres being cheap Chinese imports that cannot withstand the sub zero temperatures
That was also reported a couple of weeks ago here by some of the minor media. Analysis also showed a lack of resupply. Not enough planning to have replacements and not enough arrangements on a logistics chain.
I’ve been reading similar. Logistics aren’t sexy, but so important. They don’t play as well in big nationalistic parades though, so autocrats place less emphasis on them.
Anyone catch Zelensky’s telespeech to the U.S. Congress? I just saw a replay on CSpan. The guy is brilliant
Some bad gymnastics news. Natalia Karamushka is missing from Kharkiv, and the worst is feared. Natalia was European Junior champion on beam and floor in 1978 and had been working as a coach. We can only hope that she is ok and has been unable to contact anyone due to issues with power or communication or maybe in hospital.
The convoy isn’t there because Ukraine is winning the ground fight, it is the other way round. The logistic and technical problems is why Ukraine is winning the ground fight.

A 4th major general was killed this week, but perhaps you could relish a little less, the number of largely conscripted young men who have been killed.
I’m not seeing relish? The reality of thousands of Russian conscripts, some of them basically kids, being sent by a leader who won’t put his own life on the line to a pointless war they don’t understand, dying awful deaths and their families maybe not even getting the dignity and comfort of a body and funeral is desperately sad. I think most people get that.
Russia-Ukraine war | Russia Bans Flights From 36 Nations In Response To Travel Curbs By European Countries whose flights have been banned by Russia.

Map shows countries that have closed their airspace to Russia over Ukraine invasion

The Russian military intentionally bombed a shelter full of children, but I’m the one relishing in death? Ok.
I’d like to think that we’d hold ourselves to a higher level of moral decency than Russian military command…or indeed the American media, whose reporting on this has been appallingly sensationalist and blood thirsty. British and European media don’t seem to have this issue.

Nobody is going to win in this situation, conscripted young men are victims too and Russian military conscription was controversial and barbaric, even without there being a war to send them into.
When you say “I hope the Russian people know many of their sons are not coming home”. That implies you are glad either of their death, or the pain of their families.

If I have in any way misinterpreted your words or intentions then I apologise, but it comes across very badly.
And for the record, I am part of the American media, and I am very proud of my extraordinary colleagues who are risking their lives so that the world may forever know the truth of Russia’s barbaric actions.
So that the world may know the truth? Um no, I think you’ll find it’s the Ukrainian journalists who are doing that.

Who was the journalists accused of “fake news” by Russia when the maternity hospital was bombed? All Ukrainian.

Nearly every western media outlet is relying on them, often without the due credit that a western colleague would get.
Ukrainian media have been treated disgracefully by American media swooping in, treating them as idiots/amateurs.

The Kyiv Independent now advised its staff not to work with American media, as they’re so hungry for action they will put you in danger.

Tell me why I, or anyone else in Russia should believe what the American media say when your own people have so little trust in it?
I don’t know, I’m as appalled as you are. What makes you think I’d even attempt to justify it? After an Islamist terror attack would you ask similar of an ordinary Muslim? If you did, what would you expect them to say?

What I do know is that the media here regularly claim that Ukraine are using women and children as human shields, have refused to evacuate them and are using civilian facilities as military ones. So that may explain why the theatre was bombed.

When Putin says “we are not targeting civilians”, to him it is not a lie. Since he believes Ukraine has weaponised it’s citizens.

If you are looking beyond that for an explanation based upon military strategy or chain of command then I wouldn’t have a clue. It’s unlikely that the Ukrainians know the division responsible therefore we won’t have any idea who potentially made the call.
When you say “I hope the Russian people know many of their sons are not coming home”. That implies you are glad either of their death, or the pain of their families.

If I have in any way misinterpreted your words or intentions then I apologise, but it comes across very badly.
You completely misinterpreted and misunderstood it.

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