Russia-Ukraine War: Effects on Gymn World

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if Russia defaults on its debts, surely they would be more interested in funding the military only.
I can not tell you how horrible i feel about this and how much I wish my country and the entire West were doing more to help Ukraine
You may have answered this but how are you able to get news that is not state media? Do you have free internet access to see sites even like this one?
Yes, for years I’ve used a UK VPN when in Russia or travelling. I grew up in the UK so I like to watch a lot of UK content.

VPN use is quite common in Russia already (and has increased) as a lot of sports and entertainment that especially younger people want to watch is unavailable here

I’ve seen probably 30 of these kind of videos.

I’m sure the Russians managing Starbucks or any other place will want to eke out whatever they can from the supplies they have there. After a little while they will serve McPutin’s instead whatever they call it.

It’s gross the way some people cry over tea and burgers. Especially when the people who do give a shit are risking 15 years in prison and others are dying. But bad circumstances bring out the worst and the best in people.
Whilst the video is embarrassing, it is jut typical spoiled teenager stuff.

But what do you expect us to do? We aren’t directly responsible for what is happening. So what are we supposed to do every day?

The panic and chaos of the initial sanctions have subsided and they’ve had little effect on every day life so far. Nothing beyond a small inconvenience. Life mostly is continuing as normal for now. Including, for sample, the post Olympic skating tour. Online sales, E ticketing etc
Report from Doha where the Ukrainian gymnasts are training as they were waiting to travel to Egypt:

So France’s and Italys professional gymnastics leagues (Top 12 and Serie A Club) are allowing Russian and Belarussian gymnasts to compete. Since these are not FIG sanctioned leagues, the ban does not apply to them.

The FIG have zero jurisdiction over these meets, just as they don’t for any international meet. I’m not aware of any Russian competing in either, but if they are, it’ll be those who are ordinarily resident in those countries.

It’s highly unlikely that any Russians will subsequently go there as neither country is issuing new visas for Russian citizens.

I don’t hear a lot of calls for Chinese athletes to be banned…
Exactly. These are invitationals like any other, where the gymnasts are not representing their country. Also given that it’s highly unlikely any Russian athlete would be issued a visa at the moment, any Russians competing will be those who are resident in France or Italy.

It’s very sad that people want to see individual Russians (even those not living here) being punished
This is no different than, say, various hockey leagues allowing Russian-born players to continue to play.

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