Russia-Ukraine War: Effects on Gymn World

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We have moved many many troops and top staff to Eastern Europe. I believe this is preparation for calling Putin’s nuclear bluff and finally putting a foot down.
Given that Blinken and Truss again today confirmed there would be not be a no fly zone, even after what happened in Mariupol and that the US have refused to facilitate getting the Polish jets to Ukraine, I think it’s extremely unlucky. The movement is likely down to increased threat to NATO countries in the Baltic. Unless Putin does something to NATO, I can’t see it happening
I believe they are looking at a creative way to get the planes into Ukrainian hands. Adam Schiff just said so.

USA is going ahead with replacing the Soviet planes with newer F16s going to Poland.

Every time you Google the headline changes. In an hour it may change again.
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We shall see! I don’t think Putin can resist trying to take more. War is coming even if it isn’t this month.
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Oh, he’d love to I’m sure. But do you think Ukraine is going particularly well for him?! There is not the man power nor the money to expand this offensive.
Putin knows it’s going bad but he doesn’t quit. He’ll just throw more young men at the problem. He will nationalize more resources and build more equipment. He’s already demonstrated the will to take away from people there.

That captured howitzer video I saw today showed us Russians aren’t even maintaining what they have. I’d be surprised if some generals don’t die over the state of equipment and training in the Russian Army.
I’m sure the ones the snipers got were very rich off the money they stole from the Army.
Oh, he’d love to I’m sure. But do you think Ukraine is going particularly well for him?! There is not the man power nor the money to expand this offensive.
well that is for sure. This whole thing is not going the way he thought it would. Zellensky has much to do with that.
You prefer countries to be in the pockets of the Middle East? That political stable, bastion of liberal democracy and human rights Middle East?!
Actually, yes. First, its a matter of common interests. Right now we have a lot of those with the Saudis and the Gulf States. Also, what people do inside their own sovereign nation is one thing. When they violate another nation’s sovereignty it becomes another thing entirely. Basic principle of international law.
I can’t believe people actually believe this fantasyland nonsense that Trump, who is so very much in Putin’s pocket, would have lifted a finger to help Ukraine. Trump! The very man who attempt to extort Zelenskyy and withheld congressionally mandated military aid to Ukraine. Who employed multiple people (who were convicted on various crimes!) with significant ties to Russian and the Kremlin’s hand-picked lackeys in Ukraine.

Please. Trump would have said “not our problem!” while tearing up every treaty the US has and cheering on Putin. The man might have the thinnest skin of anyone alive, but he’s also an authoritarian thug hellbent on keeping power. He idolizes Putin. He wants to be like Putin. Putin invading neighbors and flexing military might–incompetently as things may be going right now–is what Trumps dreams of being able to do. Plus rigged elections.
A no-fly zone in Ukraine is essentially the start of WW3. It cannot happen.

Not because bombing Russian military jets flying over Ukraine is aggressive. It’s not. But Putin will see it as such.

Jesus. And we all thought COVID was bad enough…
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Thank you for posting this. I am used to the pro-Trump rhetoric in the USA but have to say hearing people parroting basically Don Jr talking points(Trump so manly and strong, Biden so feeble and weak) from other parts of the world has me a little shook.

Putin didn’t invade Ukraine under Trump because he didn’t have to. Trump agreed to withdraw from Afghanistan, launched an extortion scheme to withhold military hardware from Ukraine, weakened the US relationship with our NATO allies(and may have withdrawn all together if had a second term), Trump had disdain for the EU…the wish list of things Putin would like the USA to do, and did under Trump, goes on.

Putin saw no need to mess with a good thing.
A no-fly zone in Ukraine is essentially the start of WW3. It cannot happen.
People keep repeating this but it probably just is not case you have not noticed, Putin is doing badly enough in Ukraine without any Western interference. The last thing Russia wants now is a confrontation with the U.S. Putin would be very careful what he did if we implemented a no fly zone. My only question is how useful it would actually be. But Zelensky seems to think it’s critical.

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