Russia-Ukraine War: Effects on Gymn World

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But probably less terrifying than being bombed every day.
Well, clearly. Look, I support implementing a no-fly zone and extending the Swift ban to ALL Russian banks and sanctioning ALL their oil and gas exports. But that does not mean that I blame every Russian citizen for this nor does it mean that I do not have a good deal of compassion for what they are now going through. If any good comes out of this entire wretched thing I hope that people living here in the U.S. develop some serious appreciation and gratitude for the freedom we have here. Instead of screaming “its a constitutional crisis” whenever your preferred candidate loses the election for the White House, try to understand what it might feel like to turn on QXR to listen to some classical music as you get ready for work only to get some scary broadcast from the Pentagon. Or CIA. Or NSC. Or what you would do if congress passed and the President signed a law stating that you can be imprisoned for 15 years for ANY communication that is in opposition to federal policy.
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I’d imagine it’s still pretty frightening even for Russians who have other citizenship/s, seeing as how the Russian state hasn’t been above murdering them for stepping out of line either. Alexander Litvinenko was British too…
Whilst there are certain advantages and privilege that come with being dual national in Russia, it isn’t a carte Blanche to do whatever you like. Certainly not at the moment, and all the embassies are warning everyone not to expect any assistance if you find yourself on the wrong side of the authorities.

Yes, I could leave but a. I’m not sure I’d want to be Russian in, well anywhere, currently and b. Due to the flight ban, it’s not very practical. You have to fly via Istanbul or Dubai. The cross border trains to Helsinki and Warsaw are not being permitted further than Brest/Vyborg. Friends here are surprised but pleased that I’m staying, but friends in England are appalled and some even see it as nailing my colours to the mast.

Day to day, things are getting worse but so far people are being resilient. I was shopping for food today, and it would seem that rationing has begun. Unofficially for now, and primarily imported things like coffee, chocolate, sugar. The staff at the store were preventing people taking photographs of the information signs.
Im seeing video of people being kind and welcoming to Russians so if propaganda tells you to stay there because the world hates Russians then rethink it.
I didn’t live in Russia full time until last year. Previously lived between Moscow, London and South of France. And even before all this, people can be quite xenophobic, although the French much less so.
Hmmm maybe I’m wrong about the consequences but I want to say are you realizing that you’ve chosen to stay in a place that could put you in prison for 20 years, probably your husband too, for doing what you are doing right now?
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It’s hard to explain, and certainly many people have asked me to over the past week or so. Including my mother.

As I mentioned previously, I’m careful with keeping Russian and UK devices separate, use of VPNs etc.

@JaJa said earlier in the in the topic that people in America couldn’t imagine living like this. But I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else right now.
It’s hard to explain, and certainly many people have asked me to over the past week or so. Including my mother.

@JaJa said earlier in the in the topic that people in America couldn’t imagine living like this. But I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else right now.
I think I understand. Its not that different from the Ukrainians who are standing their ground and defending their country while people in the West just do not understand that level of courage and commitment because we have no experience of this level of violence or suffering. But I assume you feel you are with your people and that is where you belong no matter the risk.
It’s your life to risk.
I don’t think that my life is in risk, then it really would be a stupid choice to stay.

It’s not dangerous here, it’s just very very surreal. The threat of being put into jail for speaking against the government has always been there. We’re used to it.

Next week I will visit some cities in Far East. Was supposed to be business trip for my husband but no point to do that now, but we will still go. What things are like away from Moscow and very, very far from conflict in Europe will be interesting
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There’s no such thing as a defensive no fly zone. What are NATO planes going to do when a Russian plane violates it? It also wouldn’t be very useful, as Russian Air Force have barely been used and are responsible for only small portion of destruction. Majority is surface missiles. Which sure, NATO could take out from the air. But then it stops becoming defensive.

With every day, Putin has less to lose and with that the higher chance he goes nuclear.
I don’t care what Putin thinks or wants or says. The world has warned him over and over not to take one more step and he takes two more and we fall back. It’s time for it to stop. No more being held hostage to his nuclear threats.
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Right. So then you are talking about a NATO offensive, war in the sky at the very least. Would you bomb Moscow? That would certainly show the west is not afraid
Putin in Moscow bombed babies so yes if it is necessary bomb Moscow while Putin is there.

There comes a point. If there will be death anyway make Putin see it with his own eyes and his people experience it firsthand.
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So the solution is to kill more people? And write us off as collateral damage?

Or are you talking a highly targeted, Bin Laden style hit?
The solution is to kill the leader of the killers to stop more killing. Putin has to be neutralized.

As much sympathy as I have for your situation you have chosen to be there. I’m interpreting what you say as, “it’s okay as long as my people are okay”. “ We can’t be collateral damage”.
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How many innocent people are you willing to sacrifice in order to do that?
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How many innocent people had and will Putin kill? Shall I send you photos of mangled bodies in Ukraine? Rescuers, and babies and mother. Dead Russian boy conscripts.
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