Russia-Ukraine War: Effects on Gymn World

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I’m actually only half joking.

2 years ago, if Trump said he had to run a “national security mission” in Mexico in order to “manage immigration issues” and stop “human traffickers and drug traffickers”, MANY of his supporters would have supported it even though that, too, would have been an invasion.

And if 400 civilians were killed along the way, these supporters would all be saying “It’s unfortunate, but it wasn’t intentional. These things happen.”

Thankfully, Americans voted him out of office before he got bold enough to do something like that, so I guess there’s that.
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I agree. That’s what I said above. A lot of his supporters would have supported him.


ETA: Ukraine reported more than 2,000 deaths by March 2. five days ago. I’m sure there’s a lag on the UN numbers.
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MC if your husband is in the right age range he may end up conscripted. Especially if as many young people are fleeing Russia as reported. I hope you stay safe. Whatever our differences in beliefs I hope you are safe.
This is the global response to Russian invasion of Ukraine :ukraine:

Companies and what they’ve done in Russia :

Apple Pay - full block
Apple - complete exit from the market
Adidas refuses to work with the national football team.
Audi - leaving the market
AMD will ban the supply of microchips and soon it will be banned on the supply of video cards.
Amazon is a complete block of retail
Adobe is a complete block
British Petroleum - 20% shares exited Rosnefti
BBC - Review of Broadcasting Licenses
BMW - closes factories, blocks supplies
Bolt - exit the market
Boeing - exit from the market
Chevrolet - leaving the market
Cannes Festival - Russian delegation bloc
Cadillac - off the market
Carlsberg - export restrictions
Cex Io is a crypto platform that bans users
Cinema 4D - app not working
Coca Cola - exit from the market
Danone - exit from the market together with its subsidiary Prostokvashino
Disney - cancel all the movies
Dell is leaving the market
Dropbox - will stop working in the country in a few days
DHL is an outlet for the market
Eurovision - Disqualification
Ericsson - exit from the market
Exxon Mobil - recalling all specialists from Russian oil companies
Etsy is a block of all balances on Ru accounts
Facebook - ban Russian media accounts
FedEx is a total delivery ban
Formula 1 - tournament in Sochi canceled
Ford - closing all the stores
FIFA - disqualification of the national team for the World Cup and ban on holding any international matches in Russia
Google Pay - partial block
Google Maps is an info block for Russia
General Motors is stopping the export
HP - ban on import
Harley Davidson - Discharge
Instagram - Blocking Propaganda
Intel has banned the supply of microchips
Jaguar - coming off the market
Jooble - removed the service and made a statement
KUNA - exit m market
Lenovo - exit from the market
LinkedIn - preparing for a complete exit of the country
MOK - all competitions are cancelled
Mastercard - suspends card production, disable several banks
Maersk - supply stop in/from the Russian Federation - goodbye shmot with Ali express and ASOS
Mercedes - Exit the country
Megogo - deleting all Russian films
Metro - laying off 10k employees
Mitsubishi - dismissal of employees of the 141 service center
Microsoft Office - a wide set of measures is being discussed
Mobile World Congress - refusal of accreditation for Russian delegation
NFT is a block of funds of Russian and Russian users, transferring their money to Ukraine
NHL - complete block for Russian players
Netflix has stopped working on Russian original projects.
Nike - closing all stores.
Nintendo - ban on purchases in rubles
Nestle - closing all 6 factories in Russia
OnlyFans - shutdown in the country
Paysera is a lock down
PayPal - withdrawal accounts freeze
Paramount - Movie Rental Block
Parimatch - the franchise has been recalled
Porsche - exit from Russia
Renault - exit from the market
Samsung pay - service blocking
Snapchat is out of the app in Russia and Belarus
Scania - exit from Russia
SpaceX - delivery of Starlink to Ukraine
FINA canceled the first leg of the Diving World Series that’s usually held in Kazan, RUS.

I think Twitch also shut down in RUS.
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Thank you. Whilst it may seem that lots of people are fleeing Russia, they aren’t. Only 25% of the population has a passport

At the moment the talk is of the army reserves being called up, rather than conscription for men under certain age. Although majority of Russian men military trained because they have completed 1 year mandatory conscription anyway.
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And now today McDonald’s have announced all restaurants will close and Shell closing petrol stations.

We also heard today that radio stations will close and all frequencies will broadcast the state radio station, Sputnik.

Welcome to 1982
MC what’s the chatter on Brittney Griner’s case in Moscow? Black Americans are livid, but I’m wondering the sentiment over there since she was a star player on the Russian team. My general sense is that Russians wouldn’t be too sympathetic of a Black, gay American, but I could be wrong.
I don’t think the US should be involved in any counter-propoganda for refreshing Russia’s presidency. We’re hardly breathing new life into our federal government. Someone else can handle that. We could help out with improving sports culture though. It just needs to be sold the right way:
The American influences in Russian sport are getting out of control. Do we really want sport to only be a vehicle of social status and wealth? It’s such a mean spirited culture and makes sport so boring. We need reform lest we go down America’s decadent and abusive path.
For the record, Russia has always been trying to destroy Ukrainian culture and heritage.

MaryClare, don’t even bother to reply. Your comments reek of “Great Russian” indoctrination. You can pretend to be aloof and unbiased, but any Ukrainian can see right through every thought you express. It’s all Kremlin talking points and has been for hundreds of years.
A couple of minor news sources, not the major ones, say Russia will sever itself from the external Internet. It’s hard to believe any nation could do that. Truly going back to the Cold War days.
I don’t dispute that the Ukrainian language and culture has been suppressed for hundreds of years. This is not unique to Ukraine though, it is much the same story as in all the countries that made up Russian empire then Soviet Union.

I don’t support what is happening
Already all the radio stations being switched to Sputnik radio. It is not yet compulsory to listen to it.
Already all the radio stations being switched to Sputnik radio. It is not yet compulsory to listen to it.
I would imagine this is terrifying to live through. I am truly sorry for what you are going through
I would imagine this is terrifying to live through.
It’s terrifying if you have no other citizenships.

But probably less terrifying than being bombed every day.
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