Past Gymnastics Message Board Memories- Which was your first message board?

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Deleted member 408

KK’s work with data is absolutely amazing and deserves to be lauded, but her behaviour on Reddit is pretty intolerable. I’ve watched from a distance as she’s pushed one participant after another out of the gymnastics group on there (unfortunately, with complicity from the single moderator). I’m not one of them - as I just don’t vibe with Reddit in general - but I don’t like to see it.

I have nothing but respect for her analysis and contributions generally, and I would never want her to leave the gymternet as she brings so much to it. But she’s someone who would benefit from fair, consistent moderation to restrain her tendency to hector others and just… isn’t getting it there.
What’s her twitter handle?

Somebody was nasty to me on Reddit so I don’t use it very often.
I’m banned from the gymnastics Reddit. I don’t know why, I only ever made a couple of posts and I use a different username
Weird . I wonder if there’s some account setting that bans people for some odd thing. I never could join the IG Forum. Every registration attempt told me i was permanently banned.
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is she friefraufischer on Reddit? I don’t like how rude some of the people are.
Weird . I wonder if there’s some account setting that bans people for some odd thing. I never could join the IG Forum. Every registration attempt told me i was permanently banned.
When did you try to register? I know there was a (long) period where the board administrator was AWOL, and I think that people generally couldn't set up new accounts during that time. IIRC this period covered the last several years of the board's existence.
Weird . I wonder if there’s some account setting that bans people for some odd thing. I never could join the IG Forum. Every registration attempt told me i was permanently banned.
No I got a message saying I was temporarily banned for some infraction, then a few hours later, one saying permanently banned even though I hadn’t made any subsequent posts. I think they don’t like anyone who disagrees with their narrative, but I definitely wasn’t rude to anyone
Yeah disagreeing with the prevalent opinion got me attacked once. it was about why Gabby didn’t go back to Chow. Freifraufischer said it made him an excellent businessman to want a cut of her earnings. I don’t agree with a contract like that.
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KK’s work with data is absolutely amazing and deserves to be lauded, but her behaviour on Reddit is pretty intolerable. I’ve watched from a distance as she’s pushed one participant after another out of the gymnastics group on there (unfortunately, with complicity from the single moderator). I’m not one of them - as I just don’t vibe with Reddit in general - but I don’t like to see it.

I have nothing but respect for her analysis and contributions generally, and I would never want her to leave the gymternet as she brings so much to it. But she’s someone who would benefit from fair, consistent moderation to restrain her tendency to hector others and just… isn’t getting it there.
I've blocked her on multiple platforms because I got sick of the way she would talk about a couple of the Aussie gymnasts.
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I've blocked her on multiple platforms because I got sick of the way she would talk about a couple of the Aussie gymnasts.
Who actually is she? It’s not a name or username I recognise but I assumed from the way she conducts herself that she’s a long time gymnterneter?
I think she has a historian background, although not sure if that’s what she works in nowadays - she describes herself as a historian on her Threads profile. Pretty sure she’s mentioned that she went to Princeton, also. I don’t know if she has used other names on older gymternet sites as I’ve only really been aware of her participation on Reddit (having spoken in messages with a handful of the people she’s chased off), although I know her Twitter ID too. I, perhaps foolishly (?), presumed her Twitter handle was her actual name.

Most of Reddit is ban-happy and expects people to stick to a preferred narrative. That’s why I end up going back to lurking after every attempt at commenting somewhere - you can even be banned from some groups just for being a member of another subreddit. It’s a shame as I think there are some gym fans on there who would like it to be more open to free discussion.
Who actually is she? It’s not a name or username I recognise but I assumed from the way she conducts herself that she’s a long time gymnterneter?
I lurk there (and here), and my impression is that she is not a longtime gymternetter. IIRC, she said that several years ago her friend (u/bretonstripes, I think) wanted to write a novel that involved gymnastics, so they both started researching the sport. KK then watched every major gymnastics competition she could find on YouTube, in chronological order, and posted about it. She emerged from that experience ready to appoint herself the resident gymnastics authority on Reddit.

She seems to have a degree in history, and she has used her experience reading documents to become an internet expert on the legal and administrative aspects of the sport--summarizing briefs in the McCusker/Haney suit, posting every time a committee agenda is released. (While important, that is not the aspect of gymnastics I prefer to read about.)

She was pretty rude to me once when I had the gall to tell her something she didn't already know.
I lurk there (and here), and my impression is that she is not a longtime gymternetter. IIRC, she said that several years ago her friend (u/bretonstripes, I think) wanted to write a novel that involved gymnastics, so they both started researching the sport. KK then watched every major gymnastics competition she could find on YouTube, in chronological order, and posted about it. She emerged from that experience ready to appoint herself the resident gymnastics authority on Reddit.

She seems to have a degree in history, and she has used her experience reading documents to become an internet expert on the legal and administrative aspects of the sport--summarizing briefs in the McCusker/Haney suit, posting every time a committee agenda is released. (While important, that is not the aspect of gymnastics I prefer to read about.)

She was pretty rude to me once when I had the gall to tell her something she didn't already know.
Interesting. Thank you for that. Breton stripes is a name that rings a bell from Reddit too. Are they the other moderator?

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