Nastia's Olympic Outfits

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I think Nastia is trying far too hard. I don’t buy it’s just her personality. It seems so forced and artificial. I think she is super lost and unsure of herself and actually hasn’t been able to find out who she is beyond 2008 Olympic Champion.
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I made a remark on her dress on twitter and got hosed 😂😂😂😂
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I think Nastia is trying far too hard. I don’t buy it’s just her personality. It seems so forced and artificial. I think she is super lost and unsure of herself and actually hasn’t been able to find out who she is beyond 2008 Olympic Champion.
I basically agree. But this is my concern regarding many of our former elite gymnasts. Those who go the NCAA route seem to adapt better because NCAA provides a bridge to a new life. But the ones who went Pro and missed out on that experience far too often seem to just flounder. First they cling to their pasts as elite gymnasts and try to forge a public identity based primarily on that, then they create lives living on the edges of gymnastics. I mean, look at the 2012 Olympians just as an example. You will not see Kyla Ross parading around in crazy outfits with little or no direction for a future adult productive life. She had a successful elite and then college gymnastics career, now she is too busy working on a degree in Biomedical Engineering. On the other hand, while some may think Aly Raisman marketed herself cleverly (and in some ways she did) – she can not be the young (now) former pro gymnast who is raising awareness about abuse in sports forever.
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I’ve started this new thread so we don’t clutter up actual gymnastics threads discussing Nastia’s insane fashion choices. Because I’m sure last night was just a beginning!
My god what she wears is ugly, does she even know she is commentating a gymnastics competition and it is NOT about her?

Common girl, you are smart, get a real job :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Oke I am 47 years old and freaking annoyed by “influencers” that make their money doing nothing, not paying their dues to society at all….just thinking they are freaking important, while they are not, I could do without their meaningless opinions…

Just go away…

Thanks for letting me vent my frustrations with this overly SM world.
Please don’t hose me… just MY opinion, you don’t have to agree
Millions of young and grown women love her outfits I am sure. One of my friends commented on her gorgeous wardrobe and how lux and expensive it was.
Yeah, the world of influencing just seems so shallow and useless. Pap for the masses. In the past we would have called it marketing, I guess, but it seems like it is rotting an already pretty rotten society. My niece doesn’t want to be an astronaut or a ballerina or a firefighter, she wants to be a YouTube star when she grows up. Or tomorrow.

If Nastia were designing and pimping her own clothes, it would be better or more worthy feeling…I don’t know. I wish she and Shawn had chosen different paths, I guess. Child stars trying to cling to stardom always made me sad, but I guess if you’ve had fame, working as a cashier in the local grocery store or as a paralegal or whatever isn’t enough for some.
The analogy to child stars is apt. This is the point I was trying to make earlier. And I feel the same way about Aly Raisman who I used to like a good deal. She did not even go to college. I mean its great that she was a strong voice during the Nassar thing. But cmon Aly, go to school, get a real job. Do something beyond getting minor endorsements and posting on your Instagram. These girls had enormous athletic talent, and gymnastics taught them serious dedication and discipline. Then they fritter away their adult lives posting on social media. I don’t get it.
Also, I know that raising children can be fulfilling in itself, but it bothers me that Shawn pimps out her daughter on social media and will likely do the same with her son. Her daughter has her own instagram that Shawn is managing. What in the world?
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Who are the fools following the Instagram of a toddler? What is so interesting about a baby who is not in your family or circle of friends?
I still don’t get Instagram or social media and money making. I’m just not a social media person. The only time I click on it is when y’all post something gymnastics related about it.
Also people post too much personal business.
To each their own
I believe that. distrust of social media is a good thing. Too many people are haunted later by thoughtlessly posting or retweeting something they should have thought harder about.
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