Nastia's Olympic Outfits

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Interesting that she didn’t post pictures on her twitter of that outfit. She did on the pink dress and purple pants.
If these outfits didn’t have the puffy, frilly arms, would they be better?
I think the outfits are a bit eccentric but it is the venue that makes them ridiculous. That pink dress would be nice on the beach or a meadow but it is silly for a professional sports commentator. The prom dress would be fine for the red carpet but it is stupid on a sports broadcast and bunches up funny when she sits.
And the absurdity is especially jarring when compared to how nice she looked talking to Mike Tirico. So she can pick venue/moment appropriate clothes, she just chooses to go avant-garde at a sporting event.
Is Nastia being sponsored/paid to wear these outfits? Otherwise it seems she shops in some really scary places 😱
Am I right that at her income and status level when you hire a stylist they bring many options to you. You try them on in consultation then decide what is most flattering, appropriate or makes the statement you want to make?

Of course she plans on wearing bright pink for women’s AA final:
Liukin has plans to wear a hot pink jumpsuit, which will give a nod to the pink leotard she wore at the 2008 Summer Olympics when she won the all-around competition herself.
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Never mind what she’s wearing - did she really commentate on national TV with this hair???
Screenshot 2021-07-29 104105
What do you think about this for a good business idea? Buttons , tee shirts and bumper stickers sating “WHAT WOULD NASTIA WEAR?”
100% sure I took a work phone call looking like that yesterday morning. But that’s because I got up at the butt crack of dawn to watch Men’s AA and apparently forgot to brush my hair after I showered.
UGH, can’t find my phone but Nastia is wearing a one shoulder jumpsuit. Still has a puffy sleeve. Reads as lavender on my TV.
Yep, that’s it. Wonder why it didn’t come across as eye-bleeding pink. All other colors came through fine…maybe my TV was just trying to protect me.
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If this woman is broke and pushing MLM in 10 years we’re all going to know why. She’s obviously done well for herself (and hopefully smartly invested so she’ll be forever set), but I can’t imagine what it costs to retain all these people.
The butterfly top and yellow pants were pretty.

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