Gabby Douglas Comeback Thread (New goal: LA 2028)

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That front pike would probably get downgraded to front tuck. and deducted too.
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I feel it’s difficult for Gabby to fill the Paris spot (but I hope she will prove me wrong). Her bars difficulty depend on inbar. Using Komova and Mustafina as reference, both of them lost inbar in their comeback.
She shouldn’t need Inbars. Gabby had monster releases and L-grip moves, she’s someone who could do anything on this event (maybe connecting out of a Pak would be her weak point, but that’s not even a big deal now in the code). I don’t think her potential on Bars was reached competitively.

Without Inbars, she could still maybe do this, for a nice 6.7 D-score:

Healy + Ling + Endo jaeger (the Douglas)
Downie + Pak
Shap 1/2
Maybe still do that? She never did the majority of that routine. After leaving Chow she stopped doing the Healy, but perhaps WOGA coaches can teach the skill (and fwd pirouettes in general) better than Carpenter/Waller. I think this routine would be fabulous for her:

Inbar 1/1 + P Tkachev + Pak EED .3
Komova II + Bhardwaj EE .2 (entirely new)
Inbar 1/2 + Endo 1/2 + Chow 1/2 DDE .2
EEEEEDDD 3.7 + 2.2 + .7 = 6.6
I know she didn’t do some of those skills, but they were within her ability. Look at how many people have incorporated the Downie into their bars, this is the easiest F skill in the book and Gabby had huge tkatchevs and great stalders. There’s no reason she can’t do that skill. Ling should be natural to be able to incorporate when you’ve already shown the Healy and L-grip Endo 1/2, and similarly the Nabieva should be in reach for someone who got the amplitude Douglas did.
The Ling was part of her planned 6.9 routine in London, but they decided to play it safe which turned out to be a good choice. She was training Healy + Ling in a promo video she did just before leaving Chow in 2014.

Just throwing things out there

Piked Stalder 1/1 (E) Piked Tkachev (E) .2
Downie (F) Pak (D) .2
Chow 1/2 (E)
Blind change (B) Healy (E) Ling (E) Eagle 1/2 (C) Giant (B) FTDLO (E) .2

CR 2.0
CV 0.6 - 2.6
DMT 0.2 - 2.8
1F 0.6 - 3.4
6E 3.0 - 6.4
1D 0.4 - 6.8

Or alternatively
Stalder 1/1 (D) Downie (F) Pak (D) .4
Stalder 1/2 (C) Eagle endo 1/2 (D) Chow 1/2 (E) .1
Blind change (B) Healy (E) Ling (E) Eagle 1/2 (C) Giant (B) FTDLO (E) .2

CR 2.0
CV 0.7 - 2.7
DMT 0.2 - 2.9
1F 0.6 - 3.5
4E 2.0 - 5.5
3D 1.2 - 6.7

For beam
Front tuck (D)
BHS (B) LOSO (C) LOSO (X) .2
Switch 1/2 (D)
Back 1/1 (F)
Front aerial (D) Split jump (B) Korbut (B) .2
Switch leap (C)
Sissone (A) Wolf jump (A)
BHS (X) FF (B) Double pike (E) .1

CR 2.0
CV 0.5 - 2.5
DMT 0.2 - 2.7
1F 0.6 - 3.3
1E 0.5 - 3.8
3D 1.2 - 5.0
2C 0.6 - 5.6
1B 0.2 - 5.8

Memmel (D)
Double arabian (E) Stag (A) .1
Full-in (E)
Switch ring (C) … Tour jete 1/2 (C)
Double pike (D)
Switch 1/2 (C)
Double tuck (D)

CR 2.0
CV 0.1 - 2.1
DMT 0.2 - 2.3
2E 1.0 - 3.3
3D 1.2 - 4.5
3C 0.9 - 5.4
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So Douglas was NOT listed for US Classic, is that correct?
Endo half is only a C I think. But didn’t she do el-grip endos, too?
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. She did inbar 1/2 + el-grip Endo 1/2 + Chow 1/2 in Rio
To all: Why are we worried about her piked stalders?

To Yarotska: Did Douglas ever do a full-twisting double layout off bars? I don’t remember that! Is the video of her doing the various front full elements still out there?
No, I’ve never seen her do it, I just thought it would be interesting since she started doing more hollow DLO’s in her comeback and she’s pretty quick.

I don’t know if the video is still up, it was part of an advertisement so perhaps the company went under or something. She was training forward pirouettes in combination (spotted) and on the floor she was doing BHS LOSO LOSO. She surprised some kid who came to the gym.

Ah, there was also a video of her doing another spotted Ling at the end of her comeback video from USAG

Gabby Douglas: Back in the Gym! - YouTube
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To all: Why are we worried about her piked stalders?
Bombed on the Inbar 1/1 at both Olympic Event Finals and always had shallow form on her Inbars.

She had such a beautiful Healy in 2012, it was completely deduction-free EVERY time. A smart coach should be focusing on bringing back those pirouettes before Inbars, they will score better for Gabby.
Did Douglas ever do a full-twisting double layout off bars?
I’ve never seen a gymnast do one that didn’t get a tenth for body shape. Given that most gymnasts who can do a DLO 1/1 can do a deduction-free DLO, kinda seems pointless to me.
What are people’s thoughts based on Gabby not being on the Classic roster? That it is taking her a little while longer to get ready, that she’s injured, or that her comeback is like the word ‘fetch’ (I hope not)?

It’s funny because with how long Gabby has reported to have been training (quite a while), and how short a time it’s been since we heard Simone was training to compete, one would think Gabby would be competing at Classics but not necessarily Simone.

I hope that Gabby makes it fully back and then some, but I’m curious as to what, if anything, people think.
I really hope Gabby is coming back to compete, but I am wondering now if it hasn’t worked out or perhaps she is training for a pro competition. I really wanted to see her make a comeback. If we don’t hear anything by Nationals, it probably isn’t going to happen.

On the more optimistic side, maybe she wants to be really prepared before showing her routines?
Gabby probably only wants to come back if she knows she will be able to make the team. After 6 years of not training competitively, and hopefully being constantly surrounded with useful information about how strict the judging is now, it’s probably a large adjustment period for her.
Completely agree with this. Douglas won’t just be signing up for meets and throwing routines the way that Biles will be able to do, although I still suspect that Biles is way more in routine shape than we imagined until this news. Douglas needs to compete “easy” routines on bars and beam and do them extremely well and there’s a place for her on this team. Biles will hopefully shy away from the more difficult stuff this time around (no more triple double or Yurchenko double pike please etc please for your own good) and will easily win all the titles she should’ve won in Tokyo. I said it in another thread but it’s very much in her financial interests to compete in Paris and be on camera as much as possible, and that’s to please people who aren’t us, because she’s pleased us over the years with all these amazing innovations. Now she just needs to make it through a well-attended Olympics and win lots of medals and bank that experience for the rest of her life.

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