FX EF INQUIRY (Jordan Chiles Stripped Of Bronze Medal/USAG launches appeal)

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Waiting for USAG's statement. Maybe they will have information on the decision about who does what with what medals.

The cut off part says:
"We have reached out to USAG for a response and they did not provide any immediate specific clarification, but said they would post and share a statement at the appropriate time."
Right. If they're reinstating Jordan's 5th place standing and potentially stripping her of her bronze for not inquiring within the one-minute limit, then Sabrina's appeal of her ND also is to be rejected since it wasn't inquired within the limits. The ND might be incorrect, but that's not what Mama Voinea appealed at the time.
Yes I think that's their way of at least sticking to the same rules for everybody, petty as it might be. So everyone unhappy, except Ana I guess?
It is. Their athlete lost out due to an inquiry being accept when it’s against the rules.

It has absolutely nothing to do with Jordan’s performance.

Per the rules of the competition, her inquiry should have been immediately rejected for not being submitted within the allowed time
I don't see a whole lot of difference between allowing a federation to contest if another federation's inquiry was done properly and if the inquiry was correct.

Their athlete also lost because an inquiry was inappropriately accepted--a clearly short skill was credited. Why do they get to appeal the actions of the coach but not the judges regarding another athlete? Both were harming them.

I do think the podium is correct now, but the damage done is huge. And it opens a really nasty door--there will now be someone from every federation timing every single inquiry by their competitors to see if it's even a second late, because then they can appeal on the technicality and get the medal redistributed. It opens a very nasty door.

At the end of the day the wrong person still has the bronze (because a lack of transparency of the ND - how do you know to query a deduction unless you know what it is for?) and everyone is unhappy. This is certainly up there with Sydney vault
Now now, don't exaggerate
I mean, they're possibly equally bad, but at least I think figure skating has gotten the medalists right at the Olympics besides the two obvious times: 2002 pairs and 2022 team event. I do feel like gymnastics has screwed up more on the big stage.
But if she didn't inquire the ND in time - Romania cannot have it both ways
I mean I think that's what they're going for, but I think, if they review the whole exercise, which apparently they do, and it's all about giving the benefit of the doubt to the gymnast, I do think they should also review nd calls. But, there is a helpdesk where it says you should explicitly appeal that, yes.
I doubt that Jordan would agree with that.
In the moment, no. Once she’s had time to process, she can focus on the joy of being an Olympic champion instead of feeling bitterness about her coaches being too late with an inquiry. She can feel much better than Sabrina who walks away with nothing.
Just as in the case of Paul Hamm, Jordan does not have to give back the bronze medal. It was awarded to her and the official results state she is the bronze medalist.

She and USAG can refuse and then sue FIG.

FIG will award a second bronze.
The technical regulations do not say anything about inquiries of ND. So it’s in the Help desk.
I mean, they're possibly equally bad, but at least I think figure skating has gotten the medalists right at the Olympics besides the two obvious times: 2002 pairs and 2022 team event. I do feel like gymnastics has screwed up more on the big stage.
Ehh, that's very debatable. The judges do not score PCS appropriately. It is just a jumping show now.
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