Chellsie Memmel’s Comeback

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I wonder if she’s gonna DTY? Tbh, I think she needs it to make a safe 27.0.
Omg that’s hilarious!! Someone needs to tweet this to her! 😂😂
Yes, someone send her that picture. She looks like a baby!


Excerpts from the live chat on the video:
I couldn’t find the question she was answering for the very first one, assuming someone asked her about VT



I love that she’s doing this comeback for her own satisfaction, but her double Y is an eyesore. Like, I don’t think she could perform it without swinging into it from the choreo.

I’m trying to think of other eponymous skills done so poorly by their originator in comparison to those doing it after them. The Silivas/Priakhina comes to mind but that was on such a different floor than today.
I mean the split position is obviously … not, but I do appreciate the way she just steps into the turn instead of stopping and prepping. Hopefully she can improve the control.
I’m sure it will get better. Remember how rarely we used to see training videos? We never saw the rough edges unless it was a mistake in competition but now these women are brave enough to show us training videos and to compete without being perfect.
I appreciate that too, but I don’t think she could manage the skill in isolation if that makes sense.
I love it! A bit of retro with some modern mix. I will be upset if she doesn’t make it to Nationals because otherwise we don’t get to see this. But just the opening music takes me way back to 2008 trials FX routine on day 2 which is one of my all time fave routines. The stick at the end and Marta on her feet…was enough to give me goosebumps!

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