2024 Core Hydration Classic

2024 US Classic: Hartford

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I remember once, some 8 ish years ago, I was at a UGA meet and did a double take as I passed CKC in the lower rows. She had cut her hair but I still recognized her. But I wanted to give her space so I didn't say anything.

Shortly after she was announced to become head coach, and all the pictures of her were with longer hair still, so there is a zero percent chance it was actually her I had passed at the meet lol.

SO GLAD I didn't say anything.
The winner of session 1 of the 2024 US Classic:

Cameraman number 4.png
Anyway, got my opera vpn and international stream ready for tonight! Hope everyone has a successful meet. Are we going to use this thread or start a fresh one?
I wish the camera guy had a better butt since I see it on screen so often.

i’m getting Brenna Dowell vibes from Marissa Neal.
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Yeah, well you are a super fan. And a super lawyer. I'm just not that sharp
I'm basically faceblind so as soon as someone I don't know well changes their hair, I'm screwed. And don't ask me to tell good-looking, brown haired tv lawyer 1 from good-looking, brown haired tv lawyer 2.
Do t feel bad, I was sitting beside her and I wasn't sure.
Its the hair. Plus Kyla's face and body changed so much since we first "knew" her. But hair is actually the most significant identifiying feature for a woman. (Ask people who go undercover or otherwise need to change their appearances)

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