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It's such a shame about Hezly Rivera. Her UB alone could have her in the running for the Olympic team if she could just put everything together and be consistent.
It's such a shame about Hezly Rivera. Her UB alone could have her in the running for the Olympic team if she could just put everything together and be consistent.
Last year I thought she'd be a total force going into Trials. Turns out the weird misses at Junior Worlds were not a fluke at all.
I think it was Rivera's dad who made the clown school comment in an NYT piece about MG Elite. Depending on how nationals goes, I wonder if we'll see her switch gyms after this season.
I saw speculation that Hezley may switch back to MG Elite when Maggie Haney's suspension is up next year. Based on what, I don't know.
Claire Pease seems very old school WOGA to me. I’d be very surprised if she has a successful senior elite career
I was thinking that she reminded me a lot of Rebecca Bross for some reason. And then hoping she had a better senior career than Rebecca managed.
Remind me who LVE is?
Lindsey Vanden Eykel

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