Gadirova’s sillyvas has .8 that can be taken - crossed legs in the first salto, leg separation in the second salto, flexed feet throughout, feet apart when landing, posture on landing, .3 step.
Her leaps and artistry also get more credit than they deserve. Those are the main problems I see.
@YurchenkoLoop you were right to take .1 off for musicality, the routine doesn’t have enough to do with the music, it’s really a lot of quite flail-y movements just done for the sake of it.
From 2006-2017, a bent knee on the forward swing on switch type dance elements actually also resulted in the skill being downgraded.
That doesn’t have to do with deductions though. There’s nothing that says the position going into a leap should be judged by the E-panel in the same way as the position of the leap itself, and historical E-scores were certainly not taking .3 off for a bent knee entry. If anything it’s a .1 “unaesthetic position” deduction if the entry looks particularly glaring.
Look at Gadirova’s knee going into her Gogean (this pic is from Nationals because the angle is better, but it’s the same at Worlds):
The judges definitely didn’t deduct .3 for it, nor did
@Doug1233 despite trying to make this into a thing and punishing other people for it. Jordan actually has a straight leg going into her Gogean, by the way:
If Jess was consistently overscored throughout worlds then that would involves how many different panels of judges?!
That’s exactly what reputation/political influence is. The favorites who are anointed as “the chosen ones” get universally held up because of talk about how they deserve it or are the cream of the field. Judges don’t want to look wrong, so everyone falls in line with the general feeling of how a particular athlete is “supposed” to score.