2022 World Gymnastics Championships MAG Qualifications (Monday 10/31)

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I’m not watching just reading occasional quick hits… from IG.

Whittenburg USA - VT - supposed to do a Ri but over ran the board and does only a bent arm front handspring - WOW - score 0.0

Whittenburg USA - HB - Tak full good, Tak half fine too, Liukin close and jumps off, he missed the one in warm ups far… he is not having a good day, and it looks like nervous… layout Tkatchev fine, Rybalko a bit wild, ZLM fine to a good Yamawaki, stalder, good double twisting double layout - 11.9
GB have apparently had a fall on PB (dropped score) and 3 on HB so far (2 in one routine, 1 in another) so far…
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Looking at my twitter timeline, they had a real disaster on VT and falls elsewhere. They must have really struggled, as GB and USA really didn’t sound like they had great days either.
Also just noticed that it looked like Sun Wei withdrew after a fall on PH, so they may have been a man down.
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