2022 World Gymnastics Championship WAG Podium (10/27-10/28)

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What is the new rule on this?
The 1/2 turn must be initiated prior to regrasp or the gymnast will be credited with the non-twisting variation of the element. Catching in mixed grip as Nina does, and turning on the bar is an example of a case where a downgrade should be made. In addition, the E panel can take a deduction for lack of precision based on how much of the turn was completed prior to regrasp.
Wasn’t this the same rule last Code though and they just interpreted it very loosely. Turn initiated could mean like, 1% initiated lol.

Did they put Nina in the slide deck examples or something?
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Sure, let’s build MORE instances that lend themselves to resulting in a double d and e deduction into the code
Sure, let’s build MORE instances that lend themselves to resulting in a double d and e deduction into the code
I think the goal is that it will force the gymnast to either improve the skill or ditch it. Like, we barely see any bad Switch Rings these days (GAGE excepted). Even China’s rings are better. But I get your point.
There’s ways to do that without leaving it in this no man’s land, i feel. I generally feel just give it over to the D unless it’s super egregious (under 2.75 twists and such)
There’s ways to do that without leaving it in this no man’s land, i feel. I generally feel just give it over to the D unless it’s super egregious (under 2.75 twists and such)
The issue is that the E Panel don’t get told what the D Panel have done. Let’s say you’re sitting on the E Panel, and its borderline (say, in your example, a 2.75 twist) - do you deduct as if its a Triple Full or a 2.5?

The good thing about the rules is that, 90% of the time, everyone can see if it’s some degree of “short”. We don’t need to have an internal math calculation in our head to calculate whether it was “short enough” to get downgraded. We just know it will.

The bar rule is difficult. What does “initiated” mean?
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Does BBS take forever to load for everyone else or is it just my computer and phone and laptop…?
They have had some technical issues in Liverpool with Internet as well as their voice technology they use.
This is probably why it is taking a while to load.
In their last Gymcastic episode, Spencer and Kensley were having difficulties with the audio and had to go to Jessica’s room and they all shared one mic.
WXY’s beam connections are a really good example of not getting the arm swing deduction.

Floor… it’s scary seeing one of China’s top AAers needing a spot for a double tuck. This was a team where everyone used to have double layouts.
Ellie’s Back 2.5 dismount is just absolutely and completely pointless.

ETA: I still have an 8.1E (0.3 artistry). CCD1DA1CDD2 = 5.0

Total - 13.1. She’s counting an A. Maybe I can see now why she’s doing the 2.5.

Love the lift she gets on her Switch Full. Leotard is too small.
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I mean i guess, but if it’s closer to a 2.5 than a 3, the guess isn’t completely out of the blue.

Melnikova got her double L downgraded cause she was not exactly 90° through i think? Which was just baffling to everyone, nobody could figure real time what that was

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