2021 Winter Cup Senior Women

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That was not directed at you specifically so please do not take it personally.

I thought I was merging the second thread to the original thread, but obviously I did something incorrectly.

I am still learning the tools here as it is way different than the old board (at least for me).
Though I don’t doubt the Simone comments played a role, Al was still doing commentary a whole year after this. I’ve always found it no coincidence that the last meet he ever commentated was the infamous Nastia USAG response during 2017 Nationals, where he asked her something about how the federation treated her. It was a question with no good answer, and while she certainly could’ve been better prepared, it’s not hard to see her putting her foot down and refusing to work with him again. When John Roethlisberger took over commentary of Worlds, Nastia favorited a tweet saying how much more relaxed and better her commentary was without Al.
It wasn’t even how the Federation treated her, iirc, it was about her experience with Nassar directly. I remember because she later did an apology for her response, which was to awkwardly stumble through saying she didn’t have a bad experience with him. Talk about No Good Answer.

“Hey, coworker, we’re on live television, you want to confirm whether you were sexually assaulted?”
Absolutely. I remember some people being mad at Nastia, and while of course her answer wasn’t ideal, how many of us would respond perfectly if caught off guard in that situation? It was just bad all around.
Especially because if she had been abused, and it’s not like anyone would know whether she has or not, there’s no good answer available to her. She’s in a position where either she lies, or discloses live on the telly, whilst at work, to Al fucking Trautwig.
Yeah like, what on earth did he expect her to say?

She could have gone full bomb and been like “Al I don’t think it’s appropriate that you ask me that on live TV” but obv. being the junior commentator on an NBC show you’d need balls of steel to do that. In hindsight though, it would have been a fucking incredible answer.
It was in response to Aly’s comments about USAG (which I had forgotten), but not specifically regarding Nastia’s experience with Nassar. Aly had not come forward as a survivor at this point.

Same with Sophia Butler. She competed in Tokyo late last year at the friendship meet and then no word of her at Winter Cup. Is she at camp? Hope she isn’t injured.
Jade Carey - Balance Beam


3 x D (aerial, side aerial, double tuck)
1 x C (layout stepout)

Total Acro DV - 1.5


2 x D (switch leap 1/2, side split jump 1/2)
2 x C (switch leap, side switch leap)

Total Dance DV - 1.4

CV / Series Bonus

aerial + split jump + straddle jump (D + B + B) = 0.1 CV + 0.1 SB

back handspring stepout + layout stepout + layout stepout (B + C + C / 0) = 0.1 CV + 0.1 SB

switch leap + switch leap 1/2 (C + D) = 0.1 CV (intended to connect switch leap 1/2 and back tuck)

back handspring stepout + back handspring to two feet + double tuck (B + B + D) = 0.1 SB

Total CV / SB = 0.6


Dance Series - switch leap + switch leap 1/2
Turn - full turn
Acro Series with Salto - back handspring stepout+ layout stepout + layout stepout
Acro Elements in Different Directions - aerial, back tuck

Total D - 3.9 + 0.6 + 2.0 = 5.5


split jump
  • (insufficient split - between 0 and 20 degrees) 0.1
switch leap + switch leap 1/2
  • (poor rhythm of connection) 0.1
switch leap 1/2
  • (body shape - insufficient split between 0 and 20 degrees + arm position / bent right arm) 0.3
  • (balance adjustment) 0.1
back tuck
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
split leap
  • (insufficient split - between 0 and 20 degrees) 0.1
split leap + side aerial
  • (poor rhythm of connection) 0.1
side aerial
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
side switch leap
  • (body shape - one leg below horizontal + tilted and not horizontal to beam) 0.3
side split jump 1/2
  • (insufficient split - > 20 - 45 degrees) 0.3
double tuck
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
  • (deviation from ideal landing position / chest forward) 0.1
  • (adjustment of foot on landing) 0.1
Total - 1.9

  • (Insufficient artistry of performance throughout the exercise) 0.1
  • (Insufficient variation in rhythm and tempo) 0.1
  • (Insufficient complexity or creativity in the movements) 0.1
Total E - 7.8 / -2.2

Total Score = 5.5 + 7.8 = 13.3
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Konnor McClain - Balance Beam


1 x F (tucked full)
2 x E (layout to two feet, double pike)
2 x D (Onodi, aerial)

Total Acro DV - 2.4


1 x D (switch leap 1/2)
1 x C (switch leap)
1 x B (straddle jump)

Total Dance DV - 0.9

CV / Series Bonus

back handspring stepout + back handspring to two feet + layout to two feet (B + B + E) = 0.1 CV + 0.1 SB

back handspring stepout + back handspring to two feet + double pike (B / 0 + B / 0 + E) = 0.1 SB

Total CV / SB = 0.3


Dance Series - sissone + straddle jump
Turn - full turn
Acro Series with Salto - back handspring stepout+ back handspring to two feet + layout to two feet
Acro Elements in Different Directions - tucked full, Onodi

Total D - 3.3 + 0.3 + 2.0 = 5.6


switch leap + switch leap 1/2
  • No CV due to the pause following the switch leap
aerial + split jump + ring jump
  • No CV on the first connection due to the arm swing following the aerial
  • Ring jump downgraded to split jump due to insufficient head release and insufficient arch
  • No CV or SB for B + B dance

tucked full
  • (low chest on landing - chest above height of knees) 0.1
  • (small balance adjustment) 0.1
wolf jump
  • (balance adjustment) 0.1
  • (bent knees) 0.1
switch leap 1/2
  • (insufficient split - between 0 and 20 degrees) 0.1
  • (bent knees) 0.1
  • (arm swing) 0.1
ring jump
  • (insufficient arch) 0.1
  • (large balance adjustment) 0.5
double pike
  • (low chest on landing - chest above height of knees) 0.1
  • (large step) 0.3
Total - 1.7

  • Insufficient artistry of performance throughout the exercise) 0.1
  • Insufficient variation in rhythm and tempo) 0.1
  • Insufficient complexity or creativity in the movements) 0.1
Total E - 8.0 / -2.0

Total Score = 5.6 + 8.0 = 13.6
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Not injured, she made the National Team for the Friendship meet so didn’t need to compete here.
They named an entirely new national team. Butler is no longer on the national team.
Sunisa Lee - Balance Beam


2 x D (aerial, side aerial)
1 X C (layout stepout)

Total Acro DV - 1.1


2 x E (Mitchell, switch ring leap)
3 x D (double turn in tuck stand, switch leap 1/2, ring jump)

Total Dance DV - 2.2

CV / Series Bonus

aerial + split jump + back handspring stepout (D + B + B) = 0.1 CV + 0.1 SB

switch ring leap + split ring leap (E + D) = 0.2 CV

switch leap + switch leap 1/2 + ring jump (C + D + D) = 0.3 CV, 0.1 SB

side aerial + layout stepout + layout stepout (D + C + C / 0) = 0.3 CV + 0.1 SB

Total CV / SB = 1.2


Dance Series - switch leap + switch leap 1/2 + ring jump
Turn - Mitchell
Acro Series with Salto - side aerial + layout stepout + layout stepout
Acro Elements in Different Directions - aerial, back handspring stepout

Total D - 3.3 + 1.2 + 2.0 = 6.5


aerial + split jump + back handspring stepout
  • No CV due to the slight pause and arm swing back before initiating the split jump
  • No SB since this is no longer a connection of three elements
switch ring leap + ring leap
  • No CV due to the pause following the switch ring leap
  • Ring leap downgraded to split jump due to forward leg being below horizontal and close to 45 degrees
switch leap + switch leap 1/2 + ring jump
  • No CV for the second connection due to the slight pause before initiating the ring jump
  • No SB awarded since this is no longer a three element connection
D - 3.2 + 0.5 + 2.0 = 5.7


  • (small balance error during final rotation) 0.1
  • (medium balance adjustment following turn) 0.3
split ring leap
  • (body posture) 0.5
  • (medium balance adjustment) 0.3
switch leap + switch leap 1/2
  • (poor rhythm of connection) 0.1
switch leap 1/2
  • (insufficient split - between 0 and 20 degrees) 0.1
ring jump
  • (body posture - forward leg below horizontal) 0.1
  • (balance adjustment) 0.1
layout dismount
  • (hop on landing) 0.1
Total - 1.7

  • Insufficient variation in rhythm and tempo) 0.1
  • Insufficient complexity or creativity in the movements) 0.1
Total E - 8.1 / -1.9

Total Score = 5.7 + 8.1 = 12.80
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Concorde, doesn’t the layout dismount (A) have to get counted among the 8 elements? That would mean the front aerial-split jump-BHS CV/SB was credited.

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