Will he never go away (nassar trigger warning)

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Was Penny offering jobs to the agent? Or was the agent asking about it. I am sure it was the latter.
Penny did not have the authority to offer anyone a job with the USOC and no ability to get this agent a job there.

In this case it was Penny who did the right thing by reporting the suspected abuse to the FBI and it was the FBI who sat on it. I doubt it was any malice, I am pretty sure it was just Field Agents dropping the ball, getting distracted by other cases etc etc

Look, many government agencies are notoriously incompetent and lazy and while the FBI is usually better than most , some of their Field offices are really just not on the ball and certainly some of their agents drop the ball on all sorts of investigations. Its terrible but its true.

Whenever I have to deal with ANY government entity in my own work for some reason I typically have to follow up on things so many times that its maddening. Unless you sit on them nothing ever gets followed up on. Its a fact. Sad but a fact.
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This is an incredibly damming story. It sure sounds like the fbi allowed many more girls to be assaulted through both incompetence and lies.
This is an incredibly damming story. It sure sounds like the fbi allowed many more girls to be assaulted through both incompetence and lies.
Their lies were after the fact. To cover their failure to investigate. That’s important to take note of. The FBI dropped the ball for sure. But I seriously doubt it had anything to do with not taking the story seriously. The FBI generally takes sex crimes seriously. But Field Officers can be overwhelmed, overworked, lazy and incompetent. And that is a fact.
I didn’t read Rachel’s account. I am just speaking as an attorney. She really crossed the line as a judge. Had there been any real question of any other reasonable outcome for sentencing, the Appellate Court would have overturned the sentence. I am not alone thinking she should have been brought up on ethics charges. She was running a cross between a 3 ring circus and a dramatic version of Some reality tv therapy show. And she crossed the line from judge to Advocate for the plaintiffs. He pled guilty and it was a sentencing. Allowing the victim impact statements was fine. And a few harsh sentences about how heinous his actions were from her would have been fine. What she did was disgraceful though.
My impression was that Penny brought up the job to one of the agents.
Their lies were after the fact. To cover their failure to investigate. That’s important to take note of. The FBI dropped the ball for sure. But I seriously doubt it had anything to do with not taking the story seriously. The FBI generally takes sex crimes seriously. But Field Officers can be overwhelmed, overworked, lazy and incompetent. And that is a fact.
I have very rarely seen law enforcement take sex crimes seriously, to be honest.
No. I know people who have though. And I don’t think you can look at the stats on rape convictions and think LEOs take sex abuse seriously.
If they did not take the allegations serious, without investigating, they are, incompetent. It is the freaking FBI… they do not get to decide what they take seriously, they must investigate to make SURE if it is or is not serious…
It really gets to me how many agencies did not investigate. Meaning the college, local police, campus police, USAG’s long delays, and the FBI.
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Link: https://www.rollingstone.com/cultur...nassar-1199724/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
According to Jane Turner, a 25-year FBI agent-turned-whistleblower who reported the mishandling of crimes against children on American Indian reservations in North Dakota, the FBI’s failures in the Nassar case are, unfortunately, not unique. Turner believes the breakdown comes from a lack of training in handling these kinds of cases, a lack of oversight when things do get handled badly, and a lack of interest on the part of a majority white and male staff who, according to Turner, would rather be working more glamorous assignments. “They don’t give a shit about kids or young people,” she says. “They’re just not that proficient in sex abuse. They can do the pornography, that kind of thing, but for really getting into it….It’s not high on their list of give-a-shits.”
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That’s awful. Of course, I’ve realized over the past 22 years that the USA doesn’t give a shit about children in general.
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It’s amazing and enraging how child predators are constantly protected.
wow - totally speechless the federal government sent him Covid stimulus checks for $2000 and he doesn’t need to pay victims more than $100 a year between all of them!
Can you cut and paste the story I’m not subbed to

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