US Championships 2022 (Aug 18-21)

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SCHEDULE: (all times Eastern)
Thursday, August 18 – Junior Men Day 1 – 1:30 p.m.
Thursday, August 18 – Senior Men Day 1 – 7:00 p.m.
Friday, August 19 – Junior Women Day 1 – 1:30 p.m.
Friday, August 19 – Senior Women Day 1 – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 20 – Junior Men Day 2 – 1:30 p.m.
Saturday, August 20 – Senior Men Day 2 – 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 21 – Junior Women Day 2 – 1:30 p.m.
Sunday, August 21 – Senior Women Day 2 – 7:00 p.m.


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I’m just so glad it’s not an Olympic year. I like being able to enjoy Nationals as just Nationals without all the extra BS.
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Just saw Zoe Miller is out of championships with a back injury per her twitter.
No bueno in terms of potential Worlds selection, hopefully this is a precaution. Miller has demonstrated this year that she is worth taking to Worlds for UB alone as the US lacks here and a 14+ score would be valuable.
A team of Wong, Jones, and McClain have VT/FX secure for a TF situation, which doesn’t account for Carey or Chiles or DiCello either.
Bars and Beam will be the hot events at Nationals.
Too bad Suni decided not to compete elite this year, she would have easily made the team as a UB/BB specialist and with her NCAA VT and FX as back ups in case needed.

As long as they hit at nationals and trials I see Wong, McClain, and Jones as locks for the team.
Wong on pretty much all 4, Jones on all but BB and McClain on all but UB.
VT McClain, Wong, Jones
UB _____, _______, Jones (Wong?)
BB ______, Wong, McClain
FX McClain, Jones, Wong
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No Frazier either. I guess she’s planning to start at Cal instead? I figured she’d at least try for Worlds.
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Ah no, I really thought this was her year.

I guess this means Shilese is even more of a lock now than she was previously. Based on what we’ve seen so far, the obvious people to join her are Wong and McClain, with room for Chiles and Carey if they look good this weekend. However that does leave the US relatively weak on bars.
Oddly, and I am a bit shocked I am saying this, if Jade could hit a bars routine comparable to the one she had last year, she may be in that discussion.
Yeah, I have to say I’m most curious about Jade. She looked so good in Tokyo, and carried that to NCAA. If she continues to show solid, clean gymnastics, she has a very legit shot at the AA podium.

Though nothing can save her total lack of artistry on floor, so…
Thanks, JaJa.

We got premium for Tokyo and its worth the $5/month, imo. During Olympics we loved all the on demand content, and the peacock gymnastics coverage was vastly superior to NBC. We watched so much stuff we otherwise wouldn’t have seen. Non-sports, the movie selection is decent (I watched Ten Things I Hate About You the other night!) and my kid loves Curious George.

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