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I mean, to be fair, Morgan DID post “Bitch, it’s not all about you.” On her finnsta IIRC. Not saying this response was the correct one, but, that’s pretty not okay.
Morgan Hurd absolutely did throw the opening punch. As did MyKayla in this latest episode. Maybe Simone should learn some restraint, but to be fair indeed, she does not start this stuff and many people react to public insults by punching back.
Skinner behaved like a petty, dumb, rather airheaded arsehole - which is consistent with my overall impression of her. Also, there’s ample evidence to suggest she is at least somewhat racist. But I think the team are making a mistake by letting this beef become an ongoing, salient part of their Olympic experience. Unfortunately it is giving more and more licence to people to turn exactly the same style of insult (i.e. “who’s the REALLY lazy/unsuccessful/has a bad body/etc one?”) on Skinner herself, which is utterly hypocritical and just stokes the fires of toxicity.

I’m already uncomfortable with the narrative that this is a “redemption” for the repeat Olympians, since it again implies silver is a failure. There’s a lot going on here and while Skinner certainly deserved to be called on her original comments, weeks of this stuff will just build up more and more negativity and drama around the sport, and perpetuate “gold or bust” attitudes. (Somehow Skinner is a failure for “only” having Olympic silver now, according to half the gymternet.) Also, I’ve noticed on Reddit that most people participating in the cancelling didn’t hear her original comments, hence the claims that she (e.g.) “fat-shamed” Suni. She absolutely should not have made any body comments - I think she’s dumb af to have done so - but she wasn’t fat-shaming her. Cancellations don’t care for accuracy.

Especially disappointed by USAG weighing in on Biles’s post, however, even though it was “only” in emoji form. Skinner may be a pretty terrible person (without getting into more detail, I am in a lesbian marriage - so have every reason to think she and I would not get along on any level!) but she lived through their abusive culture just like the other gymnasts. Her upbringing and personality may prevent her from recognising it or seeking meaningful help, but it’s a shitty look for USAG.

Just an all-around mess. :cautious:
From a PR perspective, I also don't think Biles v. Skinner is a lingering storyline. It feels big because we're in the moment and in the gymnastics echo chamber. This is your average 3-day news cycle clapback. It will stretch on a little longer just because of the Olympics, but it will most likely die after the Olympics. No one will be talking about Skinner in September. The bigger story is how athletes are asserting their independence and voice in a sport that once rewarded obedience and silence.
There are millions of girls who look up to folks who call out disrespect.

This is not generation shut up and take it; this is generation fuck around and find out.

You may want to take off those pearls you're clutching; this generation snatches pearls, wigs, and opps.
Yeah, and a lot of those who think they were giving the "finding out" to people were actually in their "fuck around" phase, and when they find out, they're going to be shocked. Turns out there are limits to things. Generation FAFO will end up in their own FO phase because they won't get the lawless Wild West Internet that Gen X and Millennials had.
Yeah, and a lot of those who think they were giving the "finding out" to people were actually in their "fuck around" phase, and when they find out, they're going to be shocked. Turns out there are limits to things. Generation FAFO will end up in their own FO phase because they won't get the lawless Wild West Internet that Gen X and Millennials had.
Lol. Yeah, I mean, they may be ruining their chances at being U.S. President 🙄
There are millions of girls who look up to folks who call out disrespect.

This is not generation shut up and take it; this is generation fuck around and find out.

You may want to take off those pearls you're clutching; this generation snatches pearls, wigs, and opps.
And this is the generation that supposedly cares about mental health so much?
There are millions of girls who look up to folks who call out disrespect.

This is not generation shut up and take it; this is generation fuck around and find out.

You may want to take off those pearls you're clutching; this generation snatches pearls, wigs, and opps.
I don’t think that’s a good thing at all. That’s not the kind of woman I want my daughters to look up to.

You can be assertive and put your point across without being deliberately antagonising and creating drama. It annoys people way more.
From a PR perspective, I also don't think Biles v. Skinner is a lingering storyline. It feels big because we're in the moment and in the gymnastics echo chamber. This is your average 3-day news cycle clapback. It will stretch on a little longer just because of the Olympics, but it will most likely die after the Olympics. No one will be talking about Skinner in September. The bigger story is how athletes are asserting their independence and voice in a sport that once rewarded obedience and silence.
"Simone Biles Also Won Social Media Beef" was the headline for today's The Athletic Daily newsletter. I think it's gone well beyond gymnastics echo chamber.
I’m already uncomfortable with the narrative that this is a “redemption” for the repeat Olympians, since it again implies silver is a failure.
That's a great point. The silver in 2021 was very hard won. Of course the gymnasts have every right to feel however they want about it, but it was a huge achievement deserving of nothing but respect.
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"Simone Biles Also Won Social Media Beef" was the headline for today's The Athletic Daily newsletter. I think it's gone well beyond gymnastics echo chamber.
I've seen all the articles, my comment wasn't about the press but more about the concerns that it will linger. It feels like a big story inside the gymnastics world, but it's not really on the radar of lots of folks outside the gymnastics world. I would be surprised if it registered as one of yesterday's Top 10 news stories.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m not so much concerned about the story lingering in the media or in the attention of the general public - I agree that’s unlikely. But I think it’s very possible the athletes themselves may regret (in years to come) devoting significant focus in such a moment to social media beefing, which is ultimately trivial and petty. I hope they don’t, as I don’t want them to have regrets.

Secondarily, there is the question of which attitudes about gymnastics are perpetuated, which can influence the general public - but perhaps more importantly still, other gymnasts and coaches. That’s an ambiguous issue which is hard to assess. I don’t believe people’s takes on this are defined generationally; I’ve seen people of all ages have opinions across the whole spectrum where this topic is concerned.

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