Simone Biles comeback: latest on US Classic Roster

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I can’t imagine this is going to be a firing situation, but assuming this did come from Alicia rather than a more roundabout route, it’s not great really. She must be embarrassed.
It is not a firing situation.

But also his announcement is not a surprise either, most of us were assuming she would be back once she started training in the gym again. She has been very vocal about “not being retired” as well.
She also stayed in the drug testing pool and kept her FIG license active. Why go through all of that if you don’t plan to compete any longer.

The wedding was a top priority for her and now that is completed she can focus on a return to competition.

She is staying in Texas while her husband will be in Wisconsin, frees her up to continue her training while he is training as well.

We don’t even know if Alicia even said anything to Brady or if he is just saying that she is returning to competition, like many were speculating, as though he has inner secret knowledge. Either way, if I were Alicia I would be pissed at him for saying it.

Do we know if Simone has reacted to Brady’s statement?
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Do we know if Simone has reacted to Brady’s statement?
I don’t think she has. I think the gymternet is making a bigger deal of it than anyone involved. Alicia already told us in February that Simone was back in the gym (I can’t remember her exact words).
Having just watched the video, I think what he said is a much more significant statement than just “back in the gym”, which Gymcastic has been talking about in more measured terms for weeks.

He said specifically “Simone Biles is returning to compete” which is a weightier statement by far. And then, his peers on that podcast seemed to recognize the gravity of his statement far more than Quinn himself, who just glibly says “Whoops!”… Kind of childish on his part; reads very much like he doesn’t take this information all that seriously, and by proxy, his wife’s job. I’d be pretty pissed if I were Alicia – not just about the disclosure, but his whole tone on that segment. 😬
I agree it was immature and really bad journalism, but then again he doesn’t have degrees in media, but you don’t need education to know you probably shouldn’t say something. Especially if it was something he heard from his wife directly or indirectly and how his statement could impact her.
But as a former high profile athlete himself, he should know better. How would he like it if someone shared his big news that he wasn’t ready to go public with yet? Not amused is my guess.
Sure, but the other thing if you watch the segment, both of the other people on the broadcast seemed to have an intuitive grasp on the gravity, and immediately started making a joke about how absurd it would be to leak that news on their little podcast… but rather than back-pedaling in any way he sorta just assumes this goofy grin… IDK, like all things Simone Biles we’re probably over-analyzing this, but just seems like a bad look on Quinn’s part IMO.
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If you preface giving information about someone else with “I don’t know if this is public knowledge,” that should be your cue to stop talking. Training to return to competition is a much bigger deal than making sure you’re in shape for the next tour or sponsorship items, and it wasn’t his announcement to make.

It definitely has me curious as to if Simone will show up to the next camp, though.

ETA: And it definitely has people talking (about him) which I’m sure was part of the goal. He certainly did make himself important for a moment.
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I guess I should get off my soap box about this and take a moment to say… YEEHAW this is great news. 😃 And news that, while in a vacuum wouldn’t be extremely convincing, but there are just so many signs adding up now… :crossed_fingers:
I’m excited about this mostly because, if true, it would indicate that Simone is trying to stay under the radar. Not that my opinion on this matters (or is valid), but I think the excessive media hype and expectation played a huge part in what went wrong in 2021.
I also think that training was not her #1 priority for a bit as she was planning a wedding which was the #1 priority, but now that the wedding has happened and her husband is with the Packers she can focus and devote her energies towards training seriously again.

I hope we see her this year but I have a feeling she will return in 2024 maybe at Winter Cup. She definitely could be in consideration for 2023 Worlds all depends what her goal is.
If true, I’m really curious to hear her express her motivation and what she wants to accomplish, and how she handles the journey and talks about it candidly. I could imagine being at the Olympics again being super triggering and feeling the expectations and reserved judgment all over again. On the flip side, it could be much more casual, knowing the worst thing that could have happened beyond injury already happened, and she still received a ton of support from the gymnastics community. She also may really benefit from being married and having that extra level of emotional support. It’s just a very unique journey, one I’m eager to hear her talk about more.
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I’m too cautious to get excited yet. Until she announces it herself it hasn’t been announced that she’s in a real comeback.
It’s kinda the same with Gabby. Until they state their plans/goals and not some third party, i’m going to keep my expectations in check. But not my cheering. You go, ladies! Kick some ass in the gym!
The irony is that Simone could probably put together an AA set that would be in the top 5 in the country with minimal training. Just a huge DTY and a Silivas/DLO and some big leaps would probably put her on the Worlds team! She could probably get that all back in a couple months. Maybe not bars but she could easily do the leg events.
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I saw this video and she looks like she’s goofing around. Not seriously training. But I hope she is.


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it was posted on February 14. At this point, I can’t imagine Sacramone and Quinn are wrong or lying.
I can’t imagine she’d post a video of serious training until or unless she were ready to make an actual announcement herself
Does Simone really need to make an announcement at this point?

She never retired and stated herself she was not retired.

She stayed in the drug pool, kept her FIG license, and has been in and out of the gym in 2022 and 2023. If she was done-done, why go through all of that.

Her priority was her wedding and now that this life event is completed, she can shift her focus.

She could appear on the US Classic roster without making an “announcement”.
She could appear on the US Classic roster without making an “announcement”.
I’ll celebrate!!! From your lips to Prod’s ears!

I’m trying to manage my expectations.
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