Rules you wish were changed/made

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I said there should be an elite scoring system AND perfect 10.

José M.
I’d like to see sting mats built into the floor in maybe 2 corners. So you can build your routine to take advantage of a softer landing or not as you desire.

I said it in the men’s thread, but I want having to use honey and stuff on the bars to stop. I’d like there to be a chalking roomba that lays down chalk at a pre-set level with several choices and you let that run across the bars and put down the chalk and there is none of the spraying, chalking, adjusting. Everyone has to live with whatever level of chalk they selected. If you want “sticky” then it has to be something on your grips that does not come off the grips onto the equipment. especially if they are going to do finals taking turns between teams.
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I wish USAG didn’t allow 11 year olds to qualify to junior elite. I hate it with a fiery passion. There is absolutely no need for a kid to be competing at the elite level at that age. They’re spending FIVE years as a junior elite! That’s insane. What’s the value in that?

I think everyone here knows how I feel about Aly Raisman’s gymnastics, but I thought that it was a brilliant decision to only have her do 2 years of junior elite. And two years was good enough for Simone Biles, so it should be good enough for everyone else!
Wider and higher FIG uneven bar settings.
I wish USAG didn’t allow 11 year olds to qualify to junior elite. I hate it with a fiery passion. There is absolutely no need for a kid to be competing at the elite level at that age. They’re spending FIVE years as a junior elite!
I’m with you on an increase in minimum ages for high level competition. I don’t understand why we need junior elite before maybe age 12 or 13 (age 13/14/15 would give us 3 years of junior elite). Similarly, why should kids be level 10 at age 9? Even if they are on an elite track, level 10 at ages 11/12 and then junior elite at 13/14/15…seems like enough pounding on a young body.
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Main one would be to have a stand-alone A panel for artistry, on beam and floor. It is completely ridiculous to expect judges, especially on beam, to script the whole routine, determine connections, determine whether elements are fully hit, and THEN to give any kind of meaningful input on artistry.

The E Panel should only deal with execution of individual elements. The D Panel should only deal with DV, CV and CR. The A Panel should deal with all apparatus specific deductions, pauses, adjustments (inc. corner choreography on FX), rhythm AND artistry.

The current situation means that excellence is not properly separated from mediocrity just because there simply isn’t enough TIME for one judge to do all of the above, while SCRIPTING the whole damn thing.

We should also ditch the R Panel and have all 7 E Panel judges with the mid 5 counting. Which would avoid this ridiculousness of the number of 0.033’s deciding whether you get a Gold or Silver medal. And it would have avoided the absurdity of, for example, Japan beating GBR in Rio by 0.0014 or something stupid like that. Imagine if that had been the difference between Bronze and 4th.
Interesting… this would help bring the “artistic” back to artistic gymnastics. This is a great idea.
I’d get rid of the 2-per-country rule and the tiebreaker rule. It irks me when a podium isn’t an accurate representation of the three actual best gymnasts in the world, and it’s certain it fair to the gymnast who should have won a bronze medal but was left out of the competition altogether because of that rule. They work too dang hard to be kept back by such a silly rule.
Isn’t the tiebreaker rule just at the Olympics(or am I having a brain cramp)?
Yeah, something with the IOC not wanting tied results on “judged” events (of course, no one mentions that any sport with referees is also a “judged” event and I think boxing has 2 bronze medalists and judges but gymnastics is girly and boxing is manly so…)
The FIG added tie breaks to worlds after the four way gold medal tie fiasco.
I’m not generally a fan of breaking tiebreakers, but even I would have to admit the judges on that occasion were asking for it.
I would get rid of the two-per-country rule.

José M.
The tie-breaker rule is the Olympics only, and that is because of the IOC and their production of medals. There is a rare tie outside of judged sports.
I’m fine with 2 per country, as long as it means the FIG don’t go to ONE per country. I fear that they might, one day, do this for EF.
They use to use preliminary scores which often (but not always) break ties in the AA and event finals.

I’m OCD and I’ve ALWAYS thought that gymnasts spitting on their hands was gross, disgusting, and absolutely unsanitary. My earliest Olympic gymnastics memory is of my all time favorite gymnast, Daniela Silivas marching up to bars in the Team Compulsory round - and lathering up her bare hands with spit before mounting bars. I was visiting my uncle and late aunt that summer. My uncle watched the Olympics with me. I still remember my uncle exclaiming ‘She’s gross!’ when Silivas gobbed that spit on her hands and rubbed it in. I loved everything else about Daniela but I never got used to gymnasts doing that. I thought it was because she and others worked bare-handed on bars, but obviously gymnasts who wear grips still do it. I’m hoping that, with Covid restrictions, that nasty habit will become a thing of the past. They’re already making gymnasts use their own chalk bins at competitions, so spitting on hands should be absolutely banned!

I want 6 gymnasts on a team like in the past, 3 per country in the AA, 2 per is fine for EF. Thong-type leotards should be a no-no. Supposedly, there is or was a deduction for showing too much skin, but it doesn’t seem like judges are enforcing this.

Controlled one dance lunge landings will be allowed again I think.
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Tiebreakers are way more common where the panel is 5 with highest and lowest removed. In essence, you only need 3 out of the 5 judges to agree on an E Score to get a tie, if the difficulty is the same.

Raise that to 4 counting, out of a 6 judge panel, and the chances of a tie go way down.

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