Proposed (drastic) changes in MAG CoP for 2025-2028

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I like the round off rule.
Also wish that MAG FX would be limited to one element out of a round off.
So many cheated twisting passes because of this.
I’m looking forward to floor, rings and pommel horse routines with eight counting elements.
Vault landings and dismounts from apparatuses should have a different deduction scale than what gets applied to every single skill on floor exercise. Since there is only 1 landing in the entire routines of those apparatuses, it’s more important to the overall impact of the routine for those landings to be clean, than it is for a single landing out of many in a floor exercise.

The code needs more gradients to judge all of these things correctly. Only being able to take .1 or .3 or .5 is dumb.
I am for things that encourage sticking. Sticking was one of the best parts of gymnastics and it’s rare now instead of necessary.
How do you feel about controlled lunges on FX? I’d like to see one per routine allowed without penalty.
meaning of the word “choreography” in MAG: FYI to everyone, in case it got lost somewhere in the discussion, the MTC uses the word “choreography” to include transitions (sissones, chassés, etc) as well as gymnastics skills that are used to create an effect. They never mean a series of dance steps, and certainly not to music!

Then again, currently, most gymnasts do 0 of those skills. Some do 1 or 2 to transition. A rare subgroup does a bunch because they are into it. And I feel like it would be cool to give them the opportunity to count them as one (combined) element.

Stick bonus: I also feel it’s redundant, but a different set of deductions for dismounts is tricky to implement. The stick bonus is a reasonable solution to the problem. @Doug1233 and @MaryClare, I do feel that the ability to protest stick bonus in a D-score isn’t, in practice, such a terrible thing — saying that having been on both sides of that (coach and judge)
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Yul Moldauer is an example of a guy that does a nice “choreography sequence” surrounding his 2 flare elements. (BTW, this proposal wants to cut that to just 1 element, which I think is heavy-handed)
  • Fall to prone
  • shoulder flares borrowed from breakdance to upward dog
  • forward roll
  • stag jump to corner

To me, that should sequence of choreo should be worth a D and deducted for any substantial aesthetic errors.

There’s also those little hoppy things after the passes, which are devolved sissone-like things. Sigh.
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One last comment… One approach could be deduct for ALL transitions that aren’t sytlized. So someone could say “those hops to the corner are poor. -.1 each time”. But that doesn’t reward his choreo around the flares.
There’s no way in the world a brief yoga pose, roll, and barely extended stag jump is getting rated as a D element. It doesn’t deserve that rating within the technical context of being compared to other D skills, and little pieces of choreography in isolation shouldn’t be given value ratings anyway.

Moves like this have meaning, and added difficulty, when set to music and given rhythm and purpose within the overall artistic vison of what a program is trying to do. Choreography has to be judged as an entire whole. Trying to throw a bit of it into an otherwise unartistic program is less challenging, less impactful, and not really viable to judge. It’s trying to turn something artistic into something merely technical; at that point you get everyone arguing about how much each specific move should be worth and then just copy+pasting whatever is the “best” sequence for technical evaluation.

Flares on floor set to music could be so cool.
Whilst I don’t think MAG needs a separate artistry panel like WAG does, it would be nice for there to be some kind of rubric to reward beautiful well executed and original transitions and work between the elements. As much as I like Jake Jarman’s tumbling, stomping around with flat feet and bad posture between the skills should be penalised somehow.
On WAG FX, I’m for controlled lunges being allowed on every pass.

And on MAG FX, I haven’t really thought about lunges so no preference yet. Although I did love it when Melissanidis lunged out of his passes in that exhibition routine.
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I am COMPLETELY in agreement on that.

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