MyKayla Skinner Olympic participation

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2 x E (Bhardwaj / full twisting Pak salto, van Leeuwen/toe-on Shaposhnikova 1/2) - 1.0
6 x D (Weiler kip 1/2, Maloney/toe-on Shaposhnikova, Tkatchev, Ray/toe-on Tkatchev, clear hip full, full twisting double tuck) - 2.4

Total DV - 3.4


Weiler kip 1/2 + Maloney + Tkatchev (D + D or higher, D low to high + C or higher on high bar with turn or flight) = 0.3 CV

Ray + Bhardwaj (D + E, both with flight) = 0.2 CV

clear hip full + full twisting double tuck (D + D) = 0.1 CV

Total CV - 0.6


Flight from high bar to low bar - Bhardwaj
Flight element on same bar - Tkatchev
Different Grips - Weiler kip 1/2, Maloney
Non-flight with 360 degree turn - clear hip full

Total D - 3.4 + 0.6 + 2.0 = 6.0


Weiler kip 1/2
  • (poor rhythm of elements) 0.1
  • (body posture, arch in handstand 0.3
  • (leg separation) 0.1
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
  • (insufficient height, hips below height of bar upon regrasp) 0.3
cast to handstand with legs straddled
  • (body alignment, slight pike in hips) 0.1
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
  • (angle of completion, past 45 degrees) 0.3
  • (bent knees) 0.5
van Leeuwen
  • (leg separation, note close to being 0.3 for greater than shoulder width) 0.1
cast to handstand with legs straddled
  • (body posture, slight arch) 0.1
clear hip full
  • (leg separation, greater than shoulder width) 0.3
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
  • (turn completed out of handstand, between 31 and 45 degrees) 0.3
full twisting double tuck
  • (flexed feet) 0.1
  • (small hop on landing) 0.1
Total E - 7.0 / -3.0

Total Score = 6.0 + 7.0 = 13.00
I took 3 for the bent knees on the Bhadwaj, my video quality on my phone wasn’t too great. Otherwise, agreed with your breakdown.
I had a 7.5.

I don’t think there is a designated angle for catch for the Bhardwaj. On section 9 page 6 of the code, the only select uneven bar elements with specification for completion are the Adler (jam) and the Pak salto.
Yeah, I suppose so. You can take .1 for body alignment for any non-dance skill, from the table of general faults and penalties. I think in real time I took .5 for bent knees and .1 for a leg separation but nothing else. Her Bhardwaj seems a little cleaner than her Pak generally. It’s a smart upgrade, if she can catch it consistently.
My rationale for deducting would be that the Bhardwaj is described in the COP as a Pak salto with 1/1 turn, implying that the requirements of a ‘regular’ Pak salto should still apply. However, the COP drawings show the skill as landing in more or a hang, vs. a clear support. I would be interested in seeing how the judges are evaluating this in practice.

On a somewhat related note, the Ezhova is listed as finishing in a hang, so I would not deduct for angle of completion on this skill.
I was thinking of that too, but my counter would be that the CoP sometimes lists elements together for various exceptions. Somewhere in the CoP, if I’m not mistaken, the empty swing is permitted for the Mo and Marinich. I would think they would list Bhardwaj with the Pak…but I’m really not sure and you make a good point.

I often deduct for a break in rhythm on Bhardwajs, so I feel like that kind of accomplishes any uncertainty about deducting for finishing positions lol
I thought they’d taken it out but it seems like it’s back in.

Someone like Skinner is MADE for a short beam routine. But instead of being smart, like Ellie Black, she repeatedly stacks her routine with 10+ C skills to try and get CV/SB that she will never achieve, all the while incurring medium body shape deductions for every damn skill.

On a side point, I saw one of the Russians (I think) do L Turn to 1.5 turn (which both gets the turn CV and can be used within the 3 element SB). Clever.
Some highlights from Skinners new YouTube video (so you don’t have to watch it):

MyKayla is planning on conceiving “as soon as possible, so it depends on if I’m done after the Olympics or if I go back to college…”.

She went to Rio and “competed as an alternate”.

She’s also hoping to work for NBC Olympics as a commentator. Watch out Nastia!

She would most like to win Olympic Gold on floor; “maybe even bars but floor especially”.

She didn’t realise how hard it would be to make it to the Olympics, but “somehow I did it”.

On maybe not making it to Tokyo, “there always is that chance”.

She didn’t want to predict the US Olympic team. But she said her favourites on the national team are Jade, Simone and Suni. “They’re the main ones I talk to”.

After gymnastics, she’s going to write a book and talk about her gymnastics story which is “different from anyone else’s”.

Re: Worlds 2021 - not on the table. Will conflict with school. And “I’ve already been an alternate like four times so i don’t wanna go for that and be an alternate again”
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I’m hoping she doesn’t go back to Utah. I really enjoyed the team much more this and last year in her absence, but they would be nearly unstoppable with her alongside Eaker and McCallum next season. I always thought it was peculiar how often NCAA commentators mentioned her OG alternate status since I’ve rarely heard that mentioned for alternates from Beijing/London, nor Ragan.

She certainly has boatloads of confidence which is the nicest thing I can say about her. I’m surprised she thinks she’d be alternate for 2021 worlds. Presumably Jade would skip that meet after Tokyo, and she’d be the top US vaulter in her and Simone’s absence.
Haha confidence she has, for sure. Why did you enjoy the team more without her? Not questioning - just curious. I don’t really follow NCAA. What about her presence on the team changed Utah?
That’s what I thought too. If she doesn’t want to bother with worlds because she’s already been there done that and she’d rather try and have a baby and/or concentrate on college, fine. But it seems odd to assume she wouldn’t be on the competing team.
It is actually crazy that Skinner was an alternate in 2015, 2016 and 2019. Like, have we ever seen such persistence before?
Five versus four, I suppose!

TBH though, reading that and based on the bits and bobs I’ve seen from her, she sounds like she wants to have a baby and the only thing that’s delaying her from trying now is the possibility of the Olympics. Once that’s done, one way or another, her priority will cease to be gymnastics.

For me, it would make sense to hang around another four months in return for a very good chance at some worlds hardware, even in the context of her saying she wants a large family. But, we’re not the ones having to slog through all this. The mental impact on all of a sudden having to do this for another year probably can’t be understood without being experienced.
She shouldnt even be thinking about the Olympics. She is so far away from the conversation. If all of the Olympians withdrew from the Worlds running, she would still struggle to make the Worlds team.

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