I agree with questioning the “highest scoring team” methodology and weight, especially if the presumption is Lee FX and Chiles BB, so I’d love to see what happens with 4-4-3 and 4-4-4. Maybe I’ll simulate those with USAG and WWGym scores this weekend; we already have a comrade working on 4-3-3.
However, I’m not sure Tom could have reasonably named any 2 of Wong, DiCello, and McCusker over both Skinner and McCallum based on Trials numbers. 1 for 1, maaaybe, but I’m still skeptical, and sacking both is indefensible to me, at least PR-wise. Now, “x could/could not have done y” is murky wording, subject to lots of qualifiers and hedging about culture, optics, Olympic format, things we don’t know, etc.
In the end, though, they went with the safest, most efficient choice. You can’t have 2 built-in alternate +1s for 4-4/3-3 where neither does AA at Trials or even really performs well there, and I don’t think Marta would have done anything differently. I’d name McCusker to be aggressive on bars and roll the dice on Carey at least being able to arse a Lopez/Nabstafina by late July.
I do not believe McCusker meets Marta’s criteria for a specialist worth doing any favors for, though, nor do I think Marta would have the patience for McCusker that Tom had.