Gabby Douglas Comeback Thread (New goal: LA 2028)

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For me, I just hope she’s doing it because she wants to and enjoys it in some way. She looked absolutely miserable in 2016. Watching her at nationals and trials, I kept thinking “this is someone who absolutely does not want to be doing this.”
I don’t think it started out that way though. By the time everything went to shit behind the scenes she had already come so far in the comeback that she probably felt there was no way out and had to hold on until the end even though she was miserable.

Even though she was far from perfect, she had some great momens in 2015. Her performance at the 2015 Secret Classic, when people weren’t sure she even had the stamina to complete a bar routine, remains one of my favourite ever meets by anyone.
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I’m not sure I understand why someone wanting to make a living doing the thing they are best at can in any way be considered a “bad” thing? I think it’s great that gymnasts can now make some money doing their sport just like other professional athletes.
Its a bad thing if they are doing it for lack of any other viable options. These girls become “professionals” (and its not in the way most other athletes become pros. They do not get paid to do gymnastics, they get endorsements etc) at a very young age long before they have had an opportunity to develop other aspects of themselves. One of the things that disturbs me most about this sport is the way so many great gymnasts just seem to flounder after their gymnastics career is over and find themselves going after an increasingly fewer no. of endorsements and speaking deals (as younger, newer gymnasts take their places) , and making podcasts.
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I’m sure she has other viable options, though whether they are what she might pick remains a question.

Honestly she always seemed to enjoy the gymnastics, but the people end of things, whether unnecessary criticism or coaches or other drama, often seemed to let her down. I always got the feeling in 2016 that she’d wanted to be there but so much went wrong in the process that she wasn’t the level of ready she wanted to be.
I’ve never seen the appeal of her gymnastics; not a fan (as I have said before on this board) so not jumping for joy.
BTW: She holds the distinction of being the only Women’s Olympic AA Champion that has never medaled in a World or Olympic event final and also the only one to never medal in just an Olympic event final.
If she can get back into shape and skill level to be significant after a 6 year absence then more power to her.
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the only one to never medal in just an Olympic event final.
I remember back in 2012 the “Komova wuz robbed” people brought this up in criticism of Douglas a lot (not saying that’s what you’re doing here!). It drove me crazy because if Komova had won, the same would be true for her – she never medalled in an Olympic event final either!
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It is unfortunate that Douglas had the error in Rio bars finals because if you take either of her bars from qualifications or team finals she easily wins the bronze medal in apparatus finals.
She almost broke 9.3 for execution in the team portions which was an incredible feat. The judges in Rio loved her bars.
It drove me crazy because if Komova had won, the same would be true for her – she never medalled in an Olympic event final either!
It’s a silly argument, but I suppose it could be argued Komova was depressed after the AA because she was “robbed” (the 2nd year in a row, debatably) and if she had won the Olympic AA she would have performed better in the Beam final and medaled there.
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Well put. I’ve been trying to find a way to say that she’s built for gymnastics but it also comes out creepy in my mind!
I’ll admit I kinda loved her planche (?) on bars and my one friend didn’t even realize it was a mistake because she was able to press back up so smoothly.
From Lauren Hopkins:
I was wondering if you knew anything about whether the rumors about Gabby Douglas being back in the gym are true?

I believe it. Gymcastic posted that this is according to “multiple sources” and while I don’t know who these sources are, back in August I first heard rumors that she was training again. While I was intrigued, I felt like it was so far-fetched I didn’t take it all that seriously and completely forgot about it! Several coaches at national congress this summer were talking about her training in Texas, but they were using language like “it’s just for fun,” “she missed it so she decided to play around in the gym,” and “she’s only doing conditioning.” I initially heard that she was at Metroplex, but Gymcastic is saying WOGA, so I assume based on those earlier gossipy rumors I had heard and now Gymcastic separately bringing it up two months later, there’s got to be some truth to it.
Did Gabby move her residence to Texas? Last I knew she was living in Los Angeles.
If she moved her residence to Texas and was close by to WOGA then the “just for fun” and “conditioning” makes sense.
Otherwise, if she moved to Texas just to train at WOGA, it would seem something more is going on.
Plenty of gymnastics academies in the Los Angeles area if she missed gymnastics.
Just skimming through her instagram it looks like she to owns(?) a ranch and has a bunch of animals. I don’t follow her so I wasn’t aware of any of this as it was happening. Maybe this ranch is in Texas? It looks like she’s been there for over a year, she was posting about cows back in July '21.
I’ve never seen the appeal of her gymnastics; not a fan (as I have said before on this board) so not jumping for joy.
To me she was one of the least exciting gymnasts ever. However, she was also one of the most consistent, reliable, technically proficient AAers. But she was clearly extremely unhappy at the 2016 Olympics and I seriously doubt she is making any kind of comeback.

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