There were two unfortunate errors in that floor final on the official's side:
Accepting an inquiry 4 seconds late. Which, one could argue - followed the principle of being for the gymnast and not against the gymnast.
The change of D by the superior jury for Chiles could be argued to be wrong (the videos we have show she is clearly a lot more than 30° short) but the jury's view and their video might have given them a less clear view and they might have felt that there had been some leniency before and wanted to continue with that.
BUT the real mistake was Voinea's coach not inquiring the ND. It's the coach's job to know about their rights and their options. The possibility to inquire is there because mistakes happen. They should have known. This is not a state championship with young coaches. It's the most important competition for any coach and their gymnast. I hate that fans (and yes, most of you are fans and not at all familiar with the ongoings in high level gymnastics) continue to argue that anyone but Camelia Voinea is at fault for the wrong ND. It's her f****** job to know the rules which, btw, are not in some secret place only accessible after sacrificing your firstborn. They can be accessed by anyone anytime and there is just no excuse.