FX EF INQUIRY (Jordan Chiles Stripped Of Bronze Medal/USAG launches appeal)

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The problem is that Jordan’s score can only be either 13.666 or 13.766. Ana and Sabrina’s scores can only be 13.7, with Ana ahead on tie break.

You cannot have an athlete on 13.666 with a medal and an athlete on 13.7 without.
Sure they can. It's an olympic medal, not a legally binding contract. They used to give out medals for architecture. It would just be one more leaf in the olympics crazy salad.
They've already made this into a farce, I'm just saying to carry it to its logical conclusion.
No. Errors and mistakes do not mean you just abandon all rules. The outcome may result in people getting hurt and in FIG and the IOC looking bad. But the rules have to mean something and have to be followed or the sport ceases to have any legitimacy
Can we give Jordan something cool, like get her birthday registered as a national holiday or something? I feel so bad that she is the one losing the most and is also getting harassed on social media. She is such a kind person and deserves only lovely things. This sucks.
How many Olympic medals do you have from others? Nadia understands that Sabrina was the one who deserved the bronze medal and she's making a nice gesture for her. Also, she knows she will receive her medal back.
None because I’m not Ivan Kuliak 😂
What sort of person accepts someone else’s medal
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